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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Cbitpit::adaption::InfoThe Info struct defines the information associated to an adaption
 Cbitpit::adaption::InfoCollectionContainer that holds one or more adaption info items
 Cbitpit::BasePiercedStorageBase class for the pierced storages
 Cbitpit::BasePiercedVectorBase class for pierced vectors
 Cbitpit::BasePiercedVectorKernelBase class for pierced vector kernels
 Cbitpit::BasePiercedVectorStorageBase class for pierced vector kernels
 Cbitpit::BinaryStreamBase class for defining input and output binary streams
 Cbitpit::CommunicationBuffer< RawBufferType >Buffer to be used for data communications
 Cbitpit::ConfigConfiguration storage
 Cbitpit::DataCommInterface< Impl >Base class for data communications
 Cbitpit::DataCommunicatorInfrastructure needed to exchange data among processes
 Cbitpit::DataLBInterface< Impl >Base class for data communications
 Cbitpit::DGFDataStructure holding meta-information
 Cbitpit::DGFObjInterface to DGF I/O function
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencil< weight_t, value_t >Metafunction for generating a discretization stencil
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencil< weight_t, value_t >::item_type
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencilWeightManager< weight_t, value_t >
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencilWeightPool< weight_t >
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencilWeightValueInfo< weight_t, typename >
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencilWeightValueInfo< weight_t, bitpit_void_t< typename weight_t::value_type > >
 Cbitpit::DiscretizationStencilStorageInterface< stencil_t >The DiscretizationStencilStorageInterface class defines the interface for stencil storage
 Cbitpit::ElementInterface for defining elements
 Cbitpit::ElementHalfItem< DerivedElement >The ElementHalfItem class is the base calss for defining element half-edge and half-faces
 Cbitpit::ElementHalfItem< DerivedElement >::HasherThe ElementHalfItem::Hasher class allows to create hashes for the half-items
 Cbitpit::FileHandlerCreates file names and checks status
 Cbitpit::FlatMappingAllows to generate a mapping between an id-base numeration to a continuous-index numeration
 Cbitpit::FlatVector2D< T >Metafunction for generation of a flattened vector of vectors
 Cbitpit::IndexGenerator< id_t >The IndexGenerator class allows to generate unique ids
 Cbitpit::IntersectionIntersection class definition
 Cbitpit::KdNode< T, T1 >Class for kd-tree node
 Cbitpit::KdTree< d, T, T1 >Class for kd-tree data structure
 Cbitpit::LevelSetLevel Set driver class
 Cbitpit::LevelSetBooleanResult< SourceLevelSetObject >Allow to evaluate the result of a boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects
 Cbitpit::LevelSetCache< key_t >The class LevelSetCache is the base class for defining caches
 Cbitpit::LevelSetCacheCollection< key_t >The class LevelSetCacheCollection allows to store a collection of caches
 Cbitpit::LevelSetCacheCollection< key_t >::ItemThe class LevelSetCacheCollection::Item defines the items stored in a cache collection. Each item stores the cache and the factory that will be used to create the cache
 Cbitpit::LevelSetCacheFactory< key_t >The class LevelSetCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories
 Cbitpit::LevelSetInfoA public container which includes all information provided by LevelSet
 Cbitpit::LevelSetKernelMesh specific implementation to calculate the levelset function
 Cbitpit::LevelSetSegmentationSurfaceInfoSegmentation kernel
 Cbitpit::LevelSetValueCacheBaseEntry< value_t >
 Cbitpit::LIFOStack< T >Class for Last In First Out stack
 Cbitpit::LocalTreeLocal octree portion for each process
 Cbitpit::log::LoggerManipulator< T >
 Cbitpit::LoggerManagerManager for the loggers
 Cbitpit::MapTransformation Mapper
 Cbitpit::mapping::InfoThe Info is the structure to store info about mapping between elements
 Cbitpit::MaxPQueue< T, T1 >Class for max priority queue
 Cbitpit::MinPQueue< T, T1 >Class for min priority queue
 Cbitpit::OctantOctant class definition
 Cbitpit::ParaTreePara Tree is the user interface class
 Cbitpit::PatchInfoInterface for defining patch info
 Cbitpit::PatchManagerThe PatchManager oversee the handling of the patches
 Cbitpit::PatchSkdTreePatchSkdTree is the class that implements a spatial kd-tree (skd-tree) a bitpit patch
 Cbitpit::PetscManagerHandles the interaction with PETSc library
 Cbitpit::PiercedKernel< id_t >::positionGreater
 Cbitpit::PiercedKernel< id_t >::positionLess
 Cbitpit::PiercedKernelRange< id_t >The PiercedKernelRange allow to iterate using range-based loops over a PiercedStorage
 Cbitpit::PiercedSyncActionAction for pierced synchronization
 Cbitpit::PiercedSyncMasterBase class for defining an object that acts like a master in pierced synchronization
 Cbitpit::PiercedSyncSlaveBase class for defining an object that acts like a slave in pierced synchronization
 Cbitpit::pod::PODFieldThe PODfield structure is used to store the fields inside POD classes
 Cbitpit::pod::PODModeThe PODMode structure is used to store the modes inside pod classes
 Cbitpit::pod::SnapshotFileThe SnapFile structure is used to store the file names inside POD classes
 Cbitpit::ProxyVector< value_t, thread_safe >Metafunction for generating a list of elements that can be either stored in an external vectror or, if the elements are constant, inside the container itself
 Cbitpit::ProxyVectorStorageInterface< pointer_t, const_pointer_t >Interface for ProxyVector storages
 Cbitpit::RBFKernelBase class to handle Radial Basis Function with a large set of nodes
 Cbitpit::ReconstructionAssemblerAllows to define reconstruction polynomial
 Cbitpit::ReconstructionKernelAllows to evaluate the weight of a reconstruction polynomial previously assembled
 Cbitpit::ReconstructionPolynomialAllows to apply a reconstruction polynomial previously assembled
 Cbitpit::ReferenceElementInfoAllows to define information about reference elements
 Cbitpit::SkdBoxDefines a box
 Cbitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistanceAllows to define a distance between a point and a cell
 Cbitpit::SkdPatchInfoAllows to store patch information needed for the construction and the utilization of a skd-tree
 Cbitpit::SparseMatrixSparse matrix
 Cbitpit::STLBaseBase class for the STL writer and the STL reader
 Cbitpit::STLReader::InspectionInfoStructure holding inspection information
 Cbitpit::SystemMatrixAssemblerInterface for defining system matrix assemblers
 Cbitpit::SystemMatrixOrderingInterface for defining classes that allows to reorder the system matrix
 Cbitpit::SystemSolverMethods for building and solving large linear systems
 Cbitpit::TreeConstantsGlobal constants associated to a PABLO tree
 Cbitpit::utils::hashing::hash< TT >
 Cbitpit::utils::hashing::hash< std::pair< T, U > >
 Cbitpit::utils::hashing::hash< std::tuple< TT... > >
 Cbitpit::VertexDefines the vertexs
 Cbitpit::VolumeMapperThe VolumeMapper is the class to map two meshes
 Cbitpit::VTKA base class for VTK input output
 Cbitpit::VTKBaseContainerAn interface class to all containers that are batively supported by VTK
 Cbitpit::VTKBaseStreamerThe base class to be used to derive VTK streamers form
 Cbitpit::VTKFieldVTKField handles geometry and data field information for the VTK format
 Cbitpit::VTKTypesVTK data types handling
 CCellHalfEdgeDefines cell half-edges
 Cbitpit::CommunicationBuffer< RawRecvBuffer >
 Cbitpit::CommunicationBuffer< RawSendBuffer >
 Cbitpit::DataLBInterface< DummyDataLBImpl >
 Cbitpit::DiscreteStencil< weight_t, typename DiscreteStencilWeightValueInfo< weight_t >::type >
 Cbitpit::ElementHalfItem< QualifiedCell >
 Cbitpit::ElementHalfItem< QualifiedInterface >
 Cbitpit::FlatVector2D< long >
 Cbitpit::IndexGenerator< int >
 Cbitpit::IndexGenerator< long >
 CInfoBitpodPPDatabase of essential information absorbed from the custom arguments
 Cbitpit::LevelSetCacheCollection< long >
 Cbitpit::LevelSetValueCacheBaseEntry< bool >
 Cmake_void<... >
 Cbitpit::PiercedKernelRange< long >
 Cbitpit::ProxyVector< long >
 Cbitpit::ProxyVectorStorageInterface< container_t::pointer, container_t::const_pointer >
 Cbitpit::ProxyVectorStorageInterface< value_t *, const value_t * >
 CTesselationAllows to tessalete polygons and polyhedrons
 CVTKUnstructuredGridStreamerStreamer for VTKUnstructuredGrid if the grid is made of homogeneous types
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