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bitpit::TreeConstants Struct Reference

Global constants associated to a PABLO tree. More...

#include <tree_constants.hpp>

Public Types

typedef std::array< TreeConstants, 4 > Instances

Static Public Member Functions

static BITPIT_PUBLIC_API const TreeConstantsinstance (uint8_t dim)
static BITPIT_PUBLIC_API const Instances & instances ()

Public Attributes

std::vector< uint64_t > areas
int8_t edgeCoeffs [12][3]
uint8_t edgeDisplacements [12][3]
uint8_t edgeFace [12][2]
uint8_t edgeNode [12][2]
uint8_t faceDisplacements [6][3]
uint8_t faceNode [6][4]
std::vector< uint32_t > lengths
int8_t maxLevel
uint8_t nChildren
uint8_t nEdges
uint8_t nFaces
uint8_t nNodes
uint8_t nNodesPerFace
int8_t nodeCoeffs [8][3]
uint8_t nodeCoordinates [8][3]
uint8_t nodeEdge [8][3]
uint8_t nodeFace [8][3]
uint8_t nodeFromCoordinates [2][2][2]
int8_t normals [6][3]
uint8_t oppositeFace [6]
uint8_t parallelEdges [12][3]
std::vector< uint64_t > volumes

Detailed Description

Global constants associated to a PABLO tree.

Edoardo Lombardi
Marco Cisternino

Global constants are used in PABLO everywhere and they are public, i.e. each global variable can be used by any external code.

Definition at line 53 of file tree_constants.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Instances

typedef std::array<TreeConstants, 4> bitpit::TreeConstants::Instances

Definition at line 59 of file tree_constants.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ instance()

const TreeConstants & bitpit::TreeConstants::instance ( uint8_t dim)

Get an instance of global variables.

[in]dimSpace dimension; only value equal to 2 or 3 are accepted.

Definition at line 41 of file tree_constants.cpp.

◆ instances()

const TreeConstants::Instances & bitpit::TreeConstants::instances ( )

Get the instances of global variables.

Definition at line 49 of file tree_constants.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ areas

std::vector<uint64_t> bitpit::TreeConstants::areas

Areas associated to the levels

Definition at line 96 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ edgeCoeffs

int8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::edgeCoeffs[12][3]

Components (x,y,z) of the "normals" per edge

Definition at line 85 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ edgeDisplacements

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::edgeDisplacements[12][3]

edgeDisplacements[i][0:2] = Twice the local displacement of the i-th edge centroid

Definition at line 90 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ edgeFace

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::edgeFace[12][2]

edgeface[i][0:1] = Local indices of faces sharing the i-th edge of an octant

Definition at line 82 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ edgeNode

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::edgeNode[12][2]

edgeNode[i][0:1] = Local indices of nodes of the i-th edge of an octant

Definition at line 83 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ faceDisplacements

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::faceDisplacements[6][3]

faceDisplacements[i][0:2] = Twice the local displacement of the i-th face centroid

Definition at line 91 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ faceNode

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::faceNode[6][4]

facenode[i][0:1] = Local indices of nodes of the i-th face of an octant

Definition at line 81 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ lengths

std::vector<uint32_t> bitpit::TreeConstants::lengths

Lengths associated to the levels

Definition at line 95 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ maxLevel

int8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::maxLevel

Maximum allowed refinement level of octree

Definition at line 70 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nChildren

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nChildren

Number of children of an octant

Definition at line 72 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nEdges

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nEdges

Number of edges of an octant

Definition at line 74 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nFaces

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nFaces

Number of faces of an octant

Definition at line 73 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nNodes

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nNodes

Number of nodes of an octant

Definition at line 75 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nNodesPerFace

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nNodesPerFace

Number of nodes per face of an octant

Definition at line 76 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nodeCoeffs

int8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nodeCoeffs[8][3]

Components (x,y,z) of the "normals" per node

Definition at line 86 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nodeCoordinates

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nodeCoordinates[8][3]

nodeCoordinates[i][0:2] = Local coordinates of the i-th node

Definition at line 89 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nodeEdge

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nodeEdge[8][3]

nodeedge[i][0:1] = Local indices of edges sharing the i-th node of an octant

Definition at line 80 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nodeFace

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nodeFace[8][3]

nodeface[i][0:1] = Local indices of faces sharing the i-th node of an octant

Definition at line 79 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ nodeFromCoordinates

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::nodeFromCoordinates[2][2][2]

nodeFromCoordinates[0:1][0:1][0:1] = Local node index from Local coordinates [x][y][z]

Definition at line 93 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ normals

int8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::normals[6][3]

Components (x,y,z) of the normals per face (z=0 in 2D)

Definition at line 84 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ oppositeFace

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::oppositeFace[6]

oppositeFace[i] = Index of the face of an octant neighbour through the i-th face of the current octant

Definition at line 78 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ parallelEdges

uint8_t bitpit::TreeConstants::parallelEdges[12][3]

Parallel edges per edge

Definition at line 87 of file tree_constants.hpp.

◆ volumes

std::vector<uint64_t> bitpit::TreeConstants::volumes

Volumes associated to the levels

Definition at line 97 of file tree_constants.hpp.

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