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bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance Class Reference

The SkdGlobalCellDistance class allows to define a distance between a point and a cell. More...

Public Member Functions

void exportData (int *rank, long *id, double *distance) const
double & getDistance ()
long & getId ()
int & getRank ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void executeMPIMinOperation (SkdGlobalCellDistance *in, SkdGlobalCellDistance *inout, int *len, MPI_Datatype *datatype)
static MPI_Datatype getMPIDatatype ()
static MPI_Op getMPIMinOperation ()

Detailed Description

The SkdGlobalCellDistance class allows to define a distance between a point and a cell.

Definition at line 147 of file patch_skd_tree.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ executeMPIMinOperation()

void bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::executeMPIMinOperation ( SkdGlobalCellDistance * in,
SkdGlobalCellDistance * inout,
int * len,
MPI_Datatype * datatype )

Perform an MPI minimum operation to evaluate the minimum global distance.

inis a pointer to the input global distances
[in,out]inoutis a pointer to the output global distances
lenis the number of global distance to precess
datatypeis the MPI data type

Definition at line 900 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

◆ exportData()

void bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::exportData ( int * rank,
long * id,
double * distance ) const

Export distance information.

[out]rankon output will contain the rank of the cell
[out]idon output will contain the id of the cell
[out]distanceon output will contain the distance

Definition at line 958 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

◆ getDistance()

double & bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::getDistance ( )

Get a reference to the distance.

A reference to the distance.

Definition at line 946 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

◆ getId()

long & bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::getId ( )

Get a reference to the id of the cell.

A reference to the id of the cell.

Definition at line 936 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

◆ getMPIDatatype()

MPI_Datatype bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::getMPIDatatype ( )

Get the MPI datatype.

The MPI datatype.

Definition at line 863 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

◆ getMPIMinOperation()

MPI_Op bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::getMPIMinOperation ( )

Get the MPI minimum operation.

The MPI minimum operation.

Definition at line 882 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

◆ getRank()

int & bitpit::SkdGlobalCellDistance::getRank ( )

Get a reference to the rank of the cell.

A reference to the rank of the cell.

Definition at line 926 of file patch_skd_tree.cpp.

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