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Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
bitpit::PointKernel Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for bitpit::PointKernel:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for bitpit::PointKernel:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

double evalCellSize (long id) const override
virtual std::array< double, 3 > evalPointsDirection (long id1, long id2) const
virtual double evalPointsDistance (long id1, long id2) const
int getLineCodimension () const override
int getPointCodimension () const override
int getSurfaceCodimension () const override
int getVolumeCodimension () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
 PatchKernel (PatchKernel &&other)
virtual ~PatchKernel ()
std::vector< adaption::Infoadaption (bool trackAdaption=true, bool squeezeStorage=false)
std::vector< adaption::InfoadaptionAlter (bool trackAdaption=true, bool squeezeStorage=false)
void adaptionCleanup ()
std::vector< adaption::InfoadaptionPrepare (bool trackAdaption=true)
CellIterator addCell (Cell &&source, int owner, int haloLayer, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (Cell &&source, int owner, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (Cell &&source, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (const Cell &source, int owner, int haloLayer, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (const Cell &source, int owner, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (const Cell &source, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, const std::vector< long > &connectivity, int owner, int haloLayer, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, const std::vector< long > &connectivity, int owner, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, const std::vector< long > &connectivity, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, int owner, int haloLayer, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, int owner, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, std::unique_ptr< long[]> &&connectStorage, int owner, int haloLayer, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, std::unique_ptr< long[]> &&connectStorage, int owner, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
CellIterator addCell (ElementType type, std::unique_ptr< long[]> &&connectStorage, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
InterfaceIterator addInterface (const Interface &source, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
InterfaceIterator addInterface (ElementType type, const std::vector< long > &connectivity, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
InterfaceIterator addInterface (ElementType type, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
InterfaceIterator addInterface (ElementType type, std::unique_ptr< long[]> &&connectStorage, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
InterfaceIterator addInterface (Interface &&source, long id=Element::NULL_ID)
VertexIterator addVertex (const std::array< double, 3 > &coords, long id=Vertex::NULL_ID)
VertexIterator addVertex (const Vertex &source, long id=Vertex::NULL_ID)
VertexIterator addVertex (Vertex &&source, long id=Vertex::NULL_ID)
bool areAdjacenciesDirty (bool global=false) const
bool areInterfacesDirty (bool global=false) const
bool arePartitioningInfoDirty (bool global=true) const
void buildAdjacencies ()
void buildInterfaces ()
CellIterator cellBegin ()
CellConstIterator cellConstBegin () const
CellConstIterator cellConstEnd () const
CellIterator cellEnd ()
virtual std::unique_ptr< PatchKernelclone () const =0
std::vector< long > collapseCoincidentVertices ()
void consecutiveRenumber (long offsetVertices, long offsetCells, long offsetInterfaces)
void consecutiveRenumberCells (long offset=0)
void consecutiveRenumberInterfaces (long offset=0)
void consecutiveRenumberVertices (long offset=0)
long countBorderCells () const
long countBorderFaces () const
long countBorderInterfaces () const
long countBorderVertices () const
long countDuplicateCells () const
long countFaces () const
long countFreeCells () const
long countFreeFaces () const
long countFreeInterfaces () const
long countFreeVertices () const
long countOrphanCells () const
long countOrphanInterfaces () const
long countOrphanVertices () const
bool deleteCell (long id)
template<typename IdStorage >
bool deleteCells (const IdStorage &ids)
bool deleteCoincidentVertices ()
bool deleteInterface (long id)
template<typename IdStorage >
bool deleteInterfaces (const IdStorage &ids)
bool deleteOrphanInterfaces ()
bool deleteOrphanVertices ()
void destroyAdjacencies ()
void destroyInterfaces ()
void displayCells (std::ostream &out, unsigned int padding=0) const
void displayInterfaces (std::ostream &out, unsigned int padding=0) const
void displayTopologyStats (std::ostream &out, unsigned int padding=0) const
void displayVertices (std::ostream &out, unsigned int padding=0) const
bool dump (std::ostream &stream)
bool dump (std::ostream &stream) const
bool empty (bool global=true) const
void enableCellBalancing (long id, bool enabled)
virtual void evalCellBoundingBox (long id, std::array< double, 3 > *minPoint, std::array< double, 3 > *maxPoint) const
virtual std::array< double, 3 > evalCellCentroid (long id) const
void evalElementBoundingBox (const Element &element, std::array< double, 3 > *minPoint, std::array< double, 3 > *maxPoint) const
std::array< double, 3 > evalElementCentroid (const Element &element) const
virtual void evalInterfaceBoundingBox (long id, std::array< double, 3 > *minPoint, std::array< double, 3 > *maxPoint) const
virtual std::array< double, 3 > evalInterfaceCentroid (long id) const
double evalPartitioningUnbalance () const
double evalPartitioningUnbalance (const std::unordered_map< long, double > &cellWeights) const
void findCellEdgeNeighs (long id, bool complete, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findCellEdgeNeighs (long id, bool complete=true) const
std::vector< long > findCellEdgeNeighs (long id, int edge) const
void findCellEdgeNeighs (long id, int edge, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findCellFaceNeighs (long id) const
std::vector< long > findCellFaceNeighs (long id, int face) const
void findCellFaceNeighs (long id, int face, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
void findCellFaceNeighs (long id, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findCellNeighs (long id) const
void findCellNeighs (long id, int codimension, bool complete, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findCellNeighs (long id, int codimension, bool complete=true) const
void findCellNeighs (long id, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
void findCellVertexNeighs (long id, bool complete, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findCellVertexNeighs (long id, bool complete=true) const
std::vector< long > findCellVertexNeighs (long id, int vertex) const
void findCellVertexNeighs (long id, int vertex, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findCellVertexOneRing (long id, int vertex) const
void findCellVertexOneRing (long id, int vertex, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
std::vector< long > findDuplicateCells () const
bool findFaceNeighCell (long cellId, long neighId, int *cellFace, int *cellAdjacencyId) const
std::vector< long > findOrphanCells () const
std::vector< long > findOrphanInterfaces () const
std::vector< long > findOrphanVertices ()
std::vector< long > findVertexOneRing (long vertexId) const
void findVertexOneRing (long vertexId, std::vector< long > *ring) const
void flushData (std::fstream &stream, const std::string &name, VTKFormat format) override
AdaptionMode getAdaptionMode () const
AdaptionStatus getAdaptionStatus (bool global=false) const
AdjacenciesBuildStrategy getAdjacenciesBuildStrategy () const
void getBoundingBox (bool global, std::array< double, 3 > &minPoint, std::array< double, 3 > &maxPoint) const
void getBoundingBox (std::array< double, 3 > &minPoint, std::array< double, 3 > &maxPoint) const
CellgetCell (long id)
const CellgetCell (long id) const
adaption::Marker getCellAdaptionMarker (long id)
CellConstIterator getCellConstIterator (long id) const
virtual long getCellCount () const
int getCellHaloLayer (long id) const
CellIterator getCellIterator (long id)
int getCellOwner (long id) const
int getCellRank (long id) const
PiercedVector< Cell > & getCells ()
const PiercedVector< Cell > & getCells () const
virtual ElementType getCellType (long id) const
ConstProxyVector< std::array< double BITPIT_COMMA 3 > > getCellVertexCoordinates (long id) const
void getCellVertexCoordinates (long id, std::array< double, 3 > *coordinates) const
void getCellVertexCoordinates (long id, std::unique_ptr< std::array< double, 3 >[]> *coordinates) const
const MPI_Comm & getCommunicator () const
int getDimension () const
int getDumpVersion () const
ConstProxyVector< std::array< double BITPIT_COMMA 3 > > getElementVertexCoordinates (const Element &element) const
void getElementVertexCoordinates (const Element &element, std::array< double, 3 > *coordinates) const
void getElementVertexCoordinates (const Element &element, std::unique_ptr< std::array< double, 3 >[]> *coordinates) const
CellgetFirstGhost ()
const CellgetFirstGhost () const
CellgetFirstGhostCell ()
const CellgetFirstGhostCell () const
VertexgetFirstGhostVertex ()
const VertexgetFirstGhostVertex () const
long getGhostCellCount () const
const std::unordered_map< int, std::vector< long > > & getGhostCellExchangeSources () const
const std::vector< long > & getGhostCellExchangeSources (int rank) const
const std::unordered_map< int, std::vector< long > > & getGhostCellExchangeTargets () const
const std::vector< long > & getGhostCellExchangeTargets (int rank) const
long getGhostCount () const
const std::unordered_map< int BITPIT_COMMA std::vector< long > > & getGhostExchangeSources () const
const std::vector< long > & getGhostExchangeSources (int rank) const
const std::unordered_map< int BITPIT_COMMA std::vector< long > > & getGhostExchangeTargets () const
const std::vector< long > & getGhostExchangeTargets (int rank) const
long getGhostVertexCount () const
const std::unordered_map< int, std::vector< long > > & getGhostVertexExchangeSources () const
const std::vector< long > & getGhostVertexExchangeSources (int rank) const
const std::unordered_map< int, std::vector< long > > & getGhostVertexExchangeTargets () const
const std::vector< long > & getGhostVertexExchangeTargets (int rank) const
std::size_t getHaloSize () const
int getId () const
InterfacegetInterface (long id)
const InterfacegetInterface (long id) const
InterfaceConstIterator getInterfaceConstIterator (long id) const
virtual long getInterfaceCount () const
InterfaceIterator getInterfaceIterator (long id)
PiercedVector< Interface > & getInterfaces ()
const PiercedVector< Interface > & getInterfaces () const
InterfacesBuildStrategy getInterfacesBuildStrategy () const
virtual ElementType getInterfaceType (long id) const
ConstProxyVector< std::array< double BITPIT_COMMA 3 > > getInterfaceVertexCoordinates (long id) const
void getInterfaceVertexCoordinates (long id, std::array< double, 3 > *coordinates) const
void getInterfaceVertexCoordinates (long id, std::unique_ptr< std::array< double, 3 >[]> *coordinates) const
long getInternalCellCount () const
std::set< int > getInternalCellPIDs ()
std::vector< long > getInternalCellsByPID (int pid)
long getInternalCount () const
long getInternalVertexCount () const
CellgetLastInternalCell ()
const CellgetLastInternalCell () const
VertexgetLastInternalVertex ()
const VertexgetLastInternalVertex () const
std::vector< int > getNeighbourRanks ()
int getOwner (bool allowDirty=false) const
PartitioningMode getPartitioningMode () const
PartitioningStatus getPartitioningStatus (bool global=false) const
int getProcessorCount () const
int getRank () const
double getTol () const
VertexgetVertex (long id)
const VertexgetVertex (long id) const
VertexConstIterator getVertexConstIterator (long id) const
const std::array< double, 3 > & getVertexCoords (long id) const
void getVertexCoords (std::size_t nVertices, const long *ids, std::array< double, 3 > *coordinates) const
void getVertexCoords (std::size_t nVertices, const long *ids, std::unique_ptr< std::array< double, 3 >[]> *coordinates) const
virtual long getVertexCount () const
VertexIterator getVertexIterator (long id)
int getVertexOwner (long id) const
int getVertexRank (long id) const
PiercedVector< Vertex > & getVertices ()
const PiercedVector< Vertex > & getVertices () const
VTKUnstructuredGridgetVTK ()
const VTKUnstructuredGridgetVTK () const
const CellConstRange getVTKCellWriteRange () const
WriteTarget getVTKWriteTarget () const
CellIterator ghostBegin ()
CellIterator ghostCell2InternalCell (long id)
CellIterator ghostCellBegin ()
CellConstIterator ghostCellConstBegin () const
CellConstIterator ghostCellConstEnd () const
CellIterator ghostCellEnd ()
CellConstIterator ghostConstBegin () const
CellConstIterator ghostConstEnd () const
CellIterator ghostEnd ()
VertexIterator ghostVertexBegin ()
VertexConstIterator ghostVertexConstBegin () const
VertexConstIterator ghostVertexConstEnd () const
VertexIterator ghostVertexEnd ()
void initializeAdjacencies (AdjacenciesBuildStrategy strategy=ADJACENCIES_AUTOMATIC)
void initializeInterfaces (InterfacesBuildStrategy strategy=INTERFACES_AUTOMATIC)
InterfaceIterator interfaceBegin ()
InterfaceConstIterator interfaceConstBegin () const
InterfaceConstIterator interfaceConstEnd () const
InterfaceIterator interfaceEnd ()
CellIterator internalBegin ()
CellIterator internalCell2GhostCell (long id, int owner, int haloLayer)
CellIterator internalCellBegin ()
CellConstIterator internalCellConstBegin () const
CellConstIterator internalCellConstEnd () const
CellIterator internalCellEnd ()
CellConstIterator internalConstBegin () const
CellConstIterator internalConstEnd () const
CellIterator internalEnd ()
VertexIterator internalVertexBegin ()
VertexConstIterator internalVertexConstBegin () const
VertexConstIterator internalVertexConstEnd () const
VertexIterator internalVertexEnd ()
bool isAdaptionSupported () const
bool isBoundingBoxDirty (bool global=false) const
bool isCellAutoIndexingEnabled () const
bool isDirty (bool global=false) const
bool isDistributed (bool allowDirty=false) const
bool isExpert () const
bool isInterfaceAutoIndexingEnabled () const
bool isInterfaceOrphan (long id) const
bool isPartitioned () const
bool isPartitioningSupported () const
bool isRankNeighbour (int rank)
bool isThreeDimensional () const
bool isTolCustomized () const
bool isVertexAutoIndexingEnabled () const
virtual long locatePoint (const std::array< double, 3 > &point) const =0
long locatePoint (double x, double y, double z) const
void markCellForCoarsening (long id)
void markCellForRefinement (long id)
PatchKerneloperator= (PatchKernel &&other)
std::vector< adaption::Infopartition (bool trackPartitioning, bool squeezeStorage=false)
std::vector< adaption::Infopartition (const std::unordered_map< long, double > &cellWeights, bool trackPartitioning, bool squeezeStorage=false)
std::vector< adaption::Infopartition (const std::unordered_map< long, int > &cellRanks, bool trackPartitioning, bool squeezeStorage=false)
std::vector< adaption::Infopartition (MPI_Comm communicator, bool trackPartitioning, bool squeezeStorage=false, std::size_t haloSize=1)
std::vector< adaption::Infopartition (MPI_Comm communicator, const std::unordered_map< long, double > &cellWeights, bool trackPartitioning, bool squeezeStorage=false, std::size_t haloSize=1)
std::vector< adaption::Infopartition (MPI_Comm communicator, const std::unordered_map< long, int > &cellRanks, bool trackPartitioning, bool squeezeStorage=false, std::size_t haloSize=1)
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningAlter (bool trackPartitioning=true, bool squeezeStorage=false)
void partitioningCleanup ()
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningPrepare (bool trackPartitioning)
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningPrepare (const std::unordered_map< long, double > &cellWeights, bool trackPartitioning)
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningPrepare (const std::unordered_map< long, int > &cellRanks, bool trackPartitioning)
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningPrepare (MPI_Comm communicator, bool trackPartitioning, std::size_t haloSize=1)
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningPrepare (MPI_Comm communicator, const std::unordered_map< long, double > &cellWeights, bool trackPartitioning, std::size_t haloSize=1)
std::vector< adaption::InfopartitioningPrepare (MPI_Comm communicator, const std::unordered_map< long, int > &cellRanks, bool trackPartitioning, std::size_t haloSize=1)
template<typename Function >
void processCellFaceNeighbours (long seedId, int nLayers, Function function) const
template<typename Selector , typename Function >
void processCellFaceNeighbours (long seedId, int nLayers, Selector isSelected, Function function) const
template<typename Function >
void processCellNeighbours (long seedId, int nLayers, Function function) const
template<typename Selector , typename Function >
void processCellNeighbours (long seedId, int nLayers, Selector isSelected, Function function) const
template<typename Function , typename SeedContainer >
void processCellsFaceNeighbours (const SeedContainer &seedIds, int nLayers, Function function) const
template<typename Selector , typename Function , typename SeedContainer >
void processCellsFaceNeighbours (const SeedContainer &seedIds, int nLayers, Selector isSelected, Function function) const
template<typename Function , typename SeedContainer >
void processCellsNeighbours (const SeedContainer &seedIds, int nLayers, Function function) const
template<typename Selector , typename Function , typename SeedContainer >
void processCellsNeighbours (const SeedContainer &seedIds, int nLayers, Selector isSelected, Function function) const
bool reserveCells (size_t nCells)
bool reserveInterfaces (size_t nInterfaces)
bool reserveVertices (size_t nVertices)
virtual void reset ()
void resetCellAdaptionMarker (long id)
virtual void resetCells ()
virtual void resetInterfaces ()
void resetTol ()
virtual void resetVertices ()
void restore (std::istream &stream, bool reregister=false)
virtual void rotate (const std::array< double, 3 > &n0, const std::array< double, 3 > &n1, double angle)
void rotate (double n0x, double n0y, double n0z, double n1x, double n1y, double n1z, double angle)
void scale (const std::array< double, 3 > &scaling)
virtual void scale (const std::array< double, 3 > &scaling, const std::array< double, 3 > &origin)
void scale (double scaling)
void scale (double scaling, const std::array< double, 3 > &origin)
void scale (double sx, double sy, double sz)
void scale (double sx, double sy, double sz, const std::array< double, 3 > &origin)
void setCellAutoIndexing (bool enabled)
virtual void setDimension (int dimension)
void setHaloSize (std::size_t haloSize)
void setId (int id)
void setInterfaceAutoIndexing (bool enabled)
virtual void settleAdaptionMarkers ()
void setTol (double tolerance)
void setVertexAutoIndexing (bool enabled)
void setVTKWriteTarget (WriteTarget targetCells)
virtual void simulateCellUpdate (const long id, adaption::Marker marker, std::vector< Cell > *virtualCells, PiercedVector< Vertex, long > *virtualVertices) const
bool sort ()
bool sortCells ()
bool sortInterfaces ()
bool sortVertices ()
bool squeeze ()
bool squeezeCells ()
bool squeezeInterfaces ()
bool squeezeVertices ()
virtual void translate (const std::array< double, 3 > &translation)
void translate (double sx, double sy, double sz)
std::vector< adaption::Infoupdate (bool trackAdaption=true, bool squeezeStorage=false)
void updateAdjacencies (bool forcedUpdated=false)
void updateBoundingBox (bool forcedUpdated=false)
void updateInterfaces (bool forcedUpdated=false)
VertexIterator vertexBegin ()
VertexConstIterator vertexConstBegin () const
VertexConstIterator vertexConstEnd () const
VertexIterator vertexEnd ()
void write (const std::string &name, VTKWriteMode mode, double time)
void write (const std::string &name, VTKWriteMode mode=VTKWriteMode::DEFAULT)
void write (VTKWriteMode mode, double time)
void write (VTKWriteMode mode=VTKWriteMode::DEFAULT)
- Public Member Functions inherited from bitpit::VTKBaseStreamer
virtual void absorbData (std::fstream &, const std::string &, VTKFormat, uint64_t, uint8_t, VTKDataType)
template<typename T >
void flushValue (std::fstream &, VTKFormat, const T &value) const
template<typename T >
void flushValue (std::fstream &, VTKFormat, const T *values, int nValues) const

Protected Member Functions

 PointKernel (int dimension, MPI_Comm communicator, AdaptionMode adaptionMode, PartitioningMode partitioningMode)
 PointKernel (int id, int dimension, MPI_Comm communicator, AdaptionMode adaptionMode, PartitioningMode partitioningMode)
 PointKernel (MPI_Comm communicator, AdaptionMode adaptionMode, PartitioningMode partitioningMode)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
 PatchKernel (const PatchKernel &other)
 PatchKernel (int dimension, MPI_Comm communicator, std::size_t haloSize, AdaptionMode adaptionMode, PartitioningMode partitioningMode)
 PatchKernel (int id, int dimension, MPI_Comm communicator, std::size_t haloSize, AdaptionMode adaptionMode, PartitioningMode partitioningMode)
 PatchKernel (MPI_Comm communicator, std::size_t haloSize, AdaptionMode adaptionMode, PartitioningMode partitioningMode)
virtual std::vector< adaption::Info_adaptionAlter (bool trackAdaption)
virtual void _adaptionCleanup ()
virtual std::vector< adaption::Info_adaptionPrepare (bool trackAdaption)
virtual void _dump (std::ostream &stream) const =0
virtual bool _enableCellBalancing (long id, bool enabled)
virtual void _findCellEdgeNeighs (long id, int edge, const std::vector< long > *blackList, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
virtual void _findCellFaceNeighs (long id, int face, const std::vector< long > *blackList, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
virtual void _findCellNeighs (long id, const std::vector< long > *blackList, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
virtual void _findCellVertexNeighs (long id, int vertex, const std::vector< long > *blackList, std::vector< long > *neighs) const
virtual std::vector< long > _findGhostCellExchangeSources (int rank)
virtual adaption::Marker _getCellAdaptionMarker (long id)
virtual long _getCellNativeIndex (long id) const
virtual int _getDumpVersion () const =0
virtual std::size_t _getMaxHaloSize ()
virtual bool _markCellForCoarsening (long id)
virtual bool _markCellForRefinement (long id)
virtual std::vector< adaption::Info_partitioningAlter (bool trackPartitioning)
virtual void _partitioningCleanup ()
virtual std::vector< adaption::Info_partitioningPrepare (const std::unordered_map< long, double > &cellWeights, double defaultWeight, bool trackPartitioning)
virtual std::vector< adaption::Info_partitioningPrepare (const std::unordered_map< long, int > &cellRanks, bool trackPartitioning)
virtual void _resetAdjacencies (bool release)
virtual bool _resetCellAdaptionMarker (long id)
virtual void _resetInterfaces (bool release)
virtual void _resetTol ()
virtual void _restore (std::istream &stream)=0
virtual void _setHaloSize (std::size_t haloSize)
virtual void _setTol (double tolerance)
virtual void _updateAdjacencies ()
virtual void _updateInterfaces ()
virtual void _writeFinalize ()
virtual void _writePrepare ()
void addPointToBoundingBox (const std::array< double, 3 > &point)
std::unordered_map< long, std::vector< long > > binGroupVertices (const PiercedVector< Vertex > &vertices, int nBins)
std::unordered_map< long, std::vector< long > > binGroupVertices (int nBins)
void clearBoundingBox ()
template<typename item_t , typename id_t = long>
std::unordered_map< id_t, id_t > consecutiveItemRenumbering (PiercedVector< item_t, id_t > &container, long offset)
bool deleteVertex (long id)
template<typename IdStorage >
bool deleteVertices (const IdStorage &ids)
void dumpCells (std::ostream &stream) const
void dumpInterfaces (std::ostream &stream) const
void dumpVertices (std::ostream &stream) const
void extractEnvelope (PatchKernel &envelope) const
virtual int findAdjoinNeighFace (const Cell &cell, int cellFace, const Cell &neigh) const
AlterationFlags getCellAlterationFlags (long id) const
AlterationFlags getInterfaceAlterationFlags (long id) const
VertexIterator ghostVertex2InternalVertex (long id)
VertexIterator internalVertex2GhostVertex (long id, int owner)
bool isBoundingBoxFrozen () const
bool isCommunicatorSet () const
virtual bool isSameFace (const Cell &cell_A, int face_A, const Cell &cell_B, int face_B) const
template<typename item_t , typename id_t = long>
void mappedItemRenumbering (PiercedVector< item_t, id_t > &container, const std::unordered_map< id_t, id_t > &renumberMap)
PatchKerneloperator= (const PatchKernel &other)=delete
void pruneStaleAdjacencies ()
void pruneStaleInterfaces ()
void removePointFromBoundingBox (const std::array< double, 3 > &point)
void resetAdjacencies ()
void resetCellAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags=FLAG_NONE)
void resetInterfaceAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags=FLAG_NONE)
CellIterator restoreCell (ElementType type, std::unique_ptr< long[]> &&connectStorage, int owner, int haloLayer, long id)
void restoreCells (std::istream &stream)
InterfaceIterator restoreInterface (ElementType type, std::unique_ptr< long[]> &&connectStorage, long id)
void restoreInterfaces (std::istream &stream)
VertexIterator restoreVertex (const std::array< double, 3 > &coords, int owner, long id)
void restoreVertices (std::istream &stream)
void setAdaptionMode (AdaptionMode mode)
void setAdaptionStatus (AdaptionStatus status)
void setAdjacenciesBuildStrategy (AdjacenciesBuildStrategy status)
void setBoundingBox (const std::array< double, 3 > &minPoint, const std::array< double, 3 > &maxPoint)
void setBoundingBoxDirty (bool dirty)
void setBoundingBoxFrozen (bool frozen)
void setCellAlterationFlags (AlterationFlags flags)
void setCellAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags)
virtual void setCommunicator (MPI_Comm communicator)
void setExpert (bool expert)
void setInterfaceAlterationFlags (AlterationFlags flags)
void setInterfaceAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags)
void setInterfacesBuildStrategy (InterfacesBuildStrategy status)
void setPartitioned (bool partitioned)
void setPartitioningMode (PartitioningMode mode)
void setPartitioningStatus (PartitioningStatus status)
bool testAlterationFlags (AlterationFlags availableFlags, AlterationFlags requestedFlags) const
bool testCellAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags) const
bool testInterfaceAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags) const
void unsetCellAlterationFlags (AlterationFlags flags)
void unsetCellAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags)
void unsetInterfaceAlterationFlags (AlterationFlags flags)
void unsetInterfaceAlterationFlags (long id, AlterationFlags flags)
void updateFirstGhostCellId ()
void updateFirstGhostVertexId ()
void updateLastInternalCellId ()
void updateLastInternalVertexId ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
enum  AdjacenciesBuildStrategy { ADJACENCIES_NONE = -1 , ADJACENCIES_AUTOMATIC }
typedef PiercedVector< Cell >::const_iterator CellConstIterator
typedef PiercedVector< Cell >::const_range CellConstRange
typedef PiercedVector< Cell >::iterator CellIterator
typedef PiercedVector< Cell >::range CellRange
typedef PiercedVector< Interface >::const_iterator InterfaceConstIterator
typedef PiercedVector< Interface >::const_range InterfaceConstRange
typedef PiercedVector< Interface >::iterator InterfaceIterator
typedef PiercedVector< Interface >::range InterfaceRange
enum  InterfacesBuildStrategy { INTERFACES_NONE = -1 , INTERFACES_AUTOMATIC }
typedef PiercedVector< Vertex >::const_iterator VertexConstIterator
typedef PiercedVector< Vertex >::const_range VertexConstRange
typedef PiercedVector< Vertex >::iterator VertexIterator
typedef PiercedVector< Vertex >::range VertexRange
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
template<typename patch_t >
static std::unique_ptr< patch_t > clone (const patch_t *original)
- Protected Types inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
typedef uint16_t AlterationFlags
typedef std::unordered_map< long, AlterationFlags > AlterationFlagsStorage
- Protected Attributes inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
AlterationFlagsStorage m_alteredCells
AlterationFlagsStorage m_alteredInterfaces
PiercedVector< Cellm_cells
PiercedVector< Interfacem_interfaces
PiercedVector< Vertexm_vertices
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from bitpit::PatchKernel
static const double DEFAULT_PARTITIONING_WEIGTH = 1.
static const AlterationFlags FLAG_ADJACENCIES_DIRTY = (1u << 1)
static const AlterationFlags FLAG_DANGLING = (1u << 3)
static const AlterationFlags FLAG_DELETED = (1u << 0)
static const AlterationFlags FLAG_INTERFACES_DIRTY = (1u << 2)
static const AlterationFlags FLAG_NONE = 0x0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 32 of file point_kernel.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PointKernel() [1/3]

bitpit::PointKernel::PointKernel ( MPI_Comm communicator,
AdaptionMode adaptionMode,
PartitioningMode partitioningMode )

Creates a patch.

If a null comunicator is provided, a serial patch will be created, this means that each processor will be unaware of the existence of the other processes.

communicatoris the communicator to be used for exchanging data among the processes. If a null comunicator is provided, a serial patch will be created
adaptionModeis the adaption mode that will be used for the patch

Definition at line 42 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ PointKernel() [2/3]

bitpit::PointKernel::PointKernel ( int dimension,
MPI_Comm communicator,
AdaptionMode adaptionMode,
PartitioningMode partitioningMode )

Creates a patch.

If a null comunicator is provided, a serial patch will be created, this means that each processor will be unaware of the existence of the other processes.

dimensionis the dimension of the patch
communicatoris the communicator to be used for exchanging data among the processes. If a null comunicator is provided, a serial patch will be created
adaptionModeis the adaption mode that will be used for the patch
partitioningModeis the partitioning mode that will be used for the patch

Definition at line 74 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ PointKernel() [3/3]

bitpit::PointKernel::PointKernel ( int id,
int dimension,
MPI_Comm communicator,
AdaptionMode adaptionMode,
PartitioningMode partitioningMode )

Creates a patch.

If a null comunicator is provided, a serial patch will be created, this means that each processor will be unaware of the existence of the other processes.

idis the id that will be assigned to the patch
dimensionis the dimension of the patch
communicatoris the communicator to be used for exchanging data among the processes. If a null comunicator is provided, a serial patch will be created
adaptionModeis the adaption mode that will be used for the patch
partitioningModeis the partitioning mode that will be used for the patch

Definition at line 110 of file point_kernel.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ evalCellSize()

double bitpit::PointKernel::evalCellSize ( long id) const

Evaluates the characteristic size of the specified cell.

idis the id of the cell
The characteristic size of the specified cell.

Implements bitpit::PatchKernel.

Definition at line 181 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ evalPointsDirection()

std::array< double, 3 > bitpit::PointKernel::evalPointsDirection ( long id1,
long id2 ) const

Evaluates the direction of the line that connects the specified points.

id1is the id of the first point
id2is the id of the second point
The direction of the line that connects the specified points.

Definition at line 218 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ evalPointsDistance()

double bitpit::PointKernel::evalPointsDistance ( long id1,
long id2 ) const

Evaluates the distance between the specified points.

id1is the id of the first point
id2is the id of the second point
The distance between the specified points.

Definition at line 195 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ getLineCodimension()

int bitpit::PointKernel::getLineCodimension ( ) const

Get the codimension of the patch in the line space.

The codimension of the patch in the line space.

Implements bitpit::PatchKernel.

Definition at line 160 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ getPointCodimension()

int bitpit::PointKernel::getPointCodimension ( ) const

Get the codimension of the patch in the point space.

The codimension of the patch in the point space.

Implements bitpit::PatchKernel.

Definition at line 170 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ getSurfaceCodimension()

int bitpit::PointKernel::getSurfaceCodimension ( ) const

Get the codimension of the patch in the surface space.

The codimension of the patch in the surface space.

Implements bitpit::PatchKernel.

Definition at line 150 of file point_kernel.cpp.

◆ getVolumeCodimension()

int bitpit::PointKernel::getVolumeCodimension ( ) const

Get the codimension of the patch in the volume space.

The codimension of the patch in the volume space.

Implements bitpit::PatchKernel.

Definition at line 140 of file point_kernel.cpp.

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