►Nbitpit | |
►Nadaption | The namespace 'adaption' contains the routines and the data structures for handling patch adaption |
CInfo | The Info struct defines the information associated to an adaption |
CInfoCollection | Container that holds one or more adaption info items |
►Nlog | The namespace 'log' contains routines for interacting with the message logger |
CLoggerManipulator | |
►Nmapping | The namespace 'mapping' contains structures for working with the MapperVolOctree class |
CInfo | The Info is the structure to store info about mapping between elements |
►Npod | The namespace 'pod' contains structures for working with the POD class |
CPODField | The PODfield structure is used to store the fields inside POD classes |
CPODMode | The PODMode structure is used to store the modes inside pod classes |
CSnapshotFile | The SnapFile structure is used to store the file names inside POD classes |
►Nutils | Namespace for generic utility functions |
►Nhashing | Functions for generating the hash of data types |
Chash | |
Chash< std::pair< T, U > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
CDoubleFloatingComparison | |
CDoubleFloatingEqual | |
CDoubleFloatingGreater | |
CDoubleFloatingGreaterEqual | |
CDoubleFloatingLess | |
CDoubleFloatingLessEqual | |
CBasePiercedKernel | Base class for the pierced kernel |
CBasePiercedStorage | Base class for the pierced storages |
CBasePiercedVector | Base class for pierced vectors |
CBasePiercedVectorKernel | Base class for pierced vector kernels |
CBasePiercedVectorStorage | Base class for pierced vector kernels |
CBinaryArchive | Base class for binary archives |
CBinaryStream | Base class for defining input and output binary streams |
CCell | Defines the cells |
CCellFlatMapping | Allows to generate a cell mapping between an id-base numeration to a continuous-index numeration |
CCommunicationBuffer | Buffer to be used for data communications |
CCommunicationTags | The CommunicationTags oversee the handling of the communication tags |
CConfig | Configuration storage |
CConfigParser | Configuration file parser |
CDataCommInterface | Base class for data communications |
CDataCommunicator | Infrastructure needed to exchange data among processes |
CDataLBInterface | Base class for data communications |
CDGFData | Structure holding meta-information |
CDGFObj | Interface to DGF I/O function |
►CDiscreteStencil | Metafunction for generating a discretization stencil |
Citem_type | |
CDiscreteStencilWeightManager | |
CDiscreteStencilWeightPool | |
CDiscreteStencilWeightValueInfo | |
CDiscreteStencilWeightValueInfo< weight_t, bitpit_void_t< typename weight_t::value_type > > | |
CDiscretizationStencilProxyBaseStorage | The DiscretizationStencilProxyBaseStorage class defines a proxy for stencil storage |
CDiscretizationStencilProxyStorage | |
CDiscretizationStencilProxyStorage< stencil_t, PiercedStorage< stencil_t > > | |
CDiscretizationStencilSolver | |
CDiscretizationStencilSolverAssembler | The DiscretizationStencilSolverAssembler class defines an assembler for building the stencil solver |
CDiscretizationStencilStorageInterface | The DiscretizationStencilStorageInterface class defines the interface for stencil storage |
CDummyDataLBImpl | Dummy class for data communications |
►CElement | Interface for defining elements |
CIdHasher | |
CElementCacheCollection | The class ElementCacheCollection allows to store a collection of caches for the elements of a mesh |
CElementHalfEdge | The ElementHalfEdge class defines element half-edge items |
CElementHalfFace | The ElementHalfFace class defines element half-faces |
►CElementHalfItem | The ElementHalfItem class is the base calss for defining element half-edge and half-faces |
CHasher | The ElementHalfItem::Hasher class allows to create hashes for the half-items |
CFileHandler | Creates file names and checks status |
CFlatMapping | Allows to generate a mapping between an id-base numeration to a continuous-index numeration |
CFlatVector2D | Metafunction for generation of a flattened vector of vectors |
CGlobalConfigParser | Global configuration file parser |
CIBinaryArchive | Input binary archive |
CIBinaryStream | Output binary stream |
CIndexGenerator | The IndexGenerator class allows to generate unique ids |
CInterface | Defines the interfaces among cells |
CIntersection | Intersection class definition |
CKdNode | Class for kd-tree node |
CKdTree | Class for kd-tree data structure |
CKSPOptions | |
CKSPStatus | |
CLevelSet | Level Set driver class |
CLevelSetBooleanBaseObject | Base class which deals with boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects |
CLevelSetBooleanObject | Class which deals with boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects |
CLevelSetBooleanObject< LevelSetObject > | |
CLevelSetBooleanObject< LevelSetSegmentationBaseObject > | |
CLevelSetBooleanResult | Allow to evaluate the result of a boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects |
CLevelSetCache | The class LevelSetCache is the base class for defining caches |
►CLevelSetCacheCollection | The class LevelSetCacheCollection allows to store a collection of caches |
CItem | The class LevelSetCacheCollection::Item defines the items stored in a cache collection. Each item stores the cache and the factory that will be used to create the cache |
CLevelSetCachedKernel | Base class for defining kernels that need to cache data |
CLevelSetCacheFactory | The class LevelSetCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories |
CLevelSetCartesianKernel | Implements LevelSetKernel for cartesian meshes |
CLevelSetComplementBaseObject | Base class that allows to evaluate the complement of a LevelSetObjects |
CLevelSetComplementObject | Class that allows to evaluate the complement of a LevelSetObjects |
CLevelSetComplementObject< LevelSetObject > | |
CLevelSetComplementObject< LevelSetSegmentationBaseObject > | |
CLevelSetContainerBaseCache | The class LevelSetContainerBaseCache is the base class for defining caches that stores the values inside a container owned by them |
CLevelSetContainerBaseCacheFactory | The class LevelSetContainerBaseCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories |
CLevelSetContainerCache | The class LevelSetContainerCache is the class for defining caches that stores the values inside a container owned by them |
CLevelSetContainerCache< key_t, PiercedStorage< value_t, key_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCache< key_t, PiercedVector< value_t, key_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCache< key_t, std::unordered_map< key_t, value_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCache< key_t, std::vector< value_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCacheFactory | The class LevelSetContainerCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories |
CLevelSetContainerCacheFactory< key_t, PiercedStorage< value_t, key_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCacheFactory< key_t, PiercedVector< value_t, key_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCacheFactory< key_t, std::unordered_map< key_t, value_t > > | |
CLevelSetContainerCacheFactory< key_t, std::vector< value_t > > | |
CLevelSetFieldHasher | |
CLevelSetInfo | A public container which includes all information provided by LevelSet |
CLevelSetKernel | Mesh specific implementation to calculate the levelset function |
CLevelSetMaskObject | Implements the levelset around a set of cells or interfaces of the kernel |
CLevelSetObject | Interface class for all objects with respect to whom the levelset function may be computed |
CLevelSetOctreeKernel | Implements LevelSetKernel for octree meshes |
CLevelSetProxyBaseObject | |
CLevelSetProxyObject | Interface class for all objects, which depend on other LevelSetObjects |
CLevelSetSegmentationBaseObject | Implements visitor pattern fo segmentated geometries |
CLevelSetSegmentationObject | Implements visitor pattern fo segmentated geometries |
CLevelSetSegmentationSurfaceInfo | Segmentation kernel |
CLevelSetUnstructuredKernel | Implements LevelSetKernel for unstructured meshes |
CLevelSetValueCache | The class LevelSetCache is the base class for defining caches that store values |
CLevelSetValueCacheBaseEntry | |
CLevelSetValueCacheEntry | The class LevelSetValueCacheEntry allows to get read-only access to a value stored in the cache |
CLevelSetValueCacheEntry< bool > | |
CLevelSetValueCacheFactory | The class LevelSetValueCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories |
CLIFOStack | Class for Last In First Out stack |
CLineBuffer | LineBuffer defines a buffer for reading lines |
CLineKernel | |
CLineStream | LineStream defines a stream for reading lines |
CLineUnstructured | Defines an unstructured line tasselation |
CLocalTree | Local octree portion for each process |
CLogger | Message logger |
►CLoggerBuffer | Stream buffer for the message logger |
CSettings | |
CLoggerManager | Manager for the loggers |
CMap | Transformation Mapper |
CMaxPQueue | Class for max priority queue |
CMinPQueue | Class for min priority queue |
CMPDiscreteStencil | Metafunction for generating a discretization stencil with a memory pool (MP) |
CNaturalSystemMatrixOrdering | Defines allows to use a matrix natural ordering |
COBinaryArchive | Output binary archive |
COBinaryStream | Output binary stream |
COctant | Octant class definition |
CPabloUniform | PABLO Uniform is an example of user class derived from ParaTree to map ParaTree in a uniform (square/cubic) domain. Pablo Uniform takes as input in constructor the coordinates of the origin (X,Y,Z) and the length of the side L |
►CParaTree | Para Tree is the user interface class |
CLoadBalanceRanges | |
CPatchInfo | Interface for defining patch info |
►CPatchKernel | Interface for defining patches |
CCellFuzzyPositionGreater | |
CCellFuzzyPositionLess | |
CCellPositionGreater | |
CCellPositionLess | |
CPointPositionLess | |
CVertexPositionGreater | |
CVertexPositionLess | |
CPatchManager | The PatchManager oversee the handling of the patches |
CPatchNumberingInfo | Numbering information about the patch |
CPatchSkdTree | PatchSkdTree is the class that implements a spatial kd-tree (skd-tree) a bitpit patch |
CPetscManager | Handles the interaction with PETSc library |
►CPiercedKernel | Metafunction for generating a pierced kernel |
CClearAction | |
CEraseAction | |
CFillAction | |
CMoveAction | |
CpositionGreater | |
CpositionLess | |
CReserveAction | |
CResizeAction | |
CShrinkToFitAction | |
CSortAction | |
CSqueezeAction | |
CSwapAction | |
CPiercedKernelIterator | Iterator for the class PiercedKernel |
CPiercedKernelRange | The PiercedKernelRange allow to iterate using range-based loops over a PiercedStorage |
CPiercedStorage | Metafunction for generating a pierced storage |
CPiercedStorageIterator | Iterator for the class PiercedStorage |
CPiercedStorageRange | The PiercedStorageRange allow to iterate using range-based loops over a PiercedStorage |
CPiercedStorageSyncSlave | Base class for defining storages that acts like a slave in pierced synchronization |
CPiercedSyncAction | Action for pierced synchronization |
►CPiercedSyncMaster | Base class for defining an object that acts like a master in pierced synchronization |
CSyncModeHasher | |
CPiercedSyncSlave | Base class for defining an object that acts like a slave in pierced synchronization |
CPiercedVector | Metafunction for generating a pierced vector |
CPiercedVectorKernel | Kernel of the pierced vector |
CPiercedVectorStorage | Kernel of the pierced vector |
CPOD | The POD (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition) class provides an interface for defining POD object |
CPODKernel | Interface to manage the mesh dependent members and functions of a POD object |
CPODVolOctree | The PODVolOctree is the specialized class of PODKernel for VolOctree meshes |
CPointCloud | Defines a point cloud |
CPointKernel | |
CProxySystemMatrixOrdering | The ProxySystemMatrixOrdering class defines allows to use a matrix ordering defined in some external storage |
CProxyVector | Metafunction for generating a list of elements that can be either stored in an external vectror or, if the elements are constant, inside the container itself |
CProxyVectorDummyStorage | Metafunction for generating ProxyVector dummy storages |
CProxyVectorIterator | Iterator for the class ProxyVector |
CProxyVectorStorage | Metafunction for generating ProxyVector storages |
CProxyVectorStorageInterface | Interface for ProxyVector storages |
CQualifiedCellHalfEdge | |
CQualifiedCellHalfFace | The QualifiedCellHalfFace class defines cell half-faces |
CQualifiedInterfaceHalfEdge | The QualifiedInterfaceHalfEdge class defines interface half-edges |
CRBF | Class to handle Radial Basis Function with a large set of 3D points as nodes |
CRBFKernel | Base class to handle Radial Basis Function with a large set of nodes |
CReconstruction | Allows to build and apply a polynomial reconstructions |
CReconstructionAssembler | Allows to define reconstruction polynomial |
CReconstructionKernel | Allows to evaluate the weight of a reconstruction polynomial previously assembled |
CReconstructionPolynomial | Allows to apply a reconstruction polynomial previously assembled |
CRecvBuffer | Buffer to be used for receive communications |
CReference0DElementInfo | Allows to define information about reference zero-dimensional elements |
CReference1DElementInfo | Allows to define information about reference one-dimensional elements |
CReference2DElementInfo | Allows to define information about reference two-dimensional elements |
CReference3DElementInfo | Allows to define information about reference three-dimensional elements |
CReferenceElementInfo | Allows to define information about reference elements |
CReferenceHexahedronInfo | Defines the information about the reference hexahedron |
CReferenceLineInfo | Defines the information about the reference line |
CReferencePixelInfo | Defines the information about the reference pixel |
CReferencePyramidInfo | Defines the information about the reference pyramid |
CReferenceQuadInfo | Defines the information about the reference quadrangle |
CReferenceTetraInfo | Defines the information about the reference tetrahedron |
CReferenceTriangleInfo | Defines the information about the reference triangle |
CReferenceVertexInfo | Defines the information about the reference vertex |
CReferenceVoxelInfo | Defines the information about the reference voxel |
CReferenceWedgeInfo | Defines the information about the reference wedge |
CSendBuffer | Buffer to be used for send communications |
CSkdBox | Defines a box |
CSkdGlobalCellDistance | Allows to define a distance between a point and a cell |
CSkdNode | The SkdPatchInfo class defines a node of the skd-tree |
CSkdPatchInfo | Allows to store patch information needed for the construction and the utilization of a skd-tree |
CSparseMatrix | Sparse matrix |
CSplitSystemMatrixAssembler | Base class for defining assemblers for split system solvers |
CSplitSystemSolver | Allows to solve a split linear system |
CSplitSystemSparseMatrixAssembler | Allows to assembly a split system solver from a sparse matrix |
CSTLBase | Base class for the STL writer and the STL reader |
►CSTLReader | Class for reading ASCII and binary STL files |
CInspectionInfo | Structure holding inspection information |
CSTLWriter | Class for writing ASCII and binary STL files |
CSurfaceKernel | Interface for defining surface patches |
CSurfaceSkdTree | The SurfaceSkdTree implements a Bounding Volume Hierarchy tree for surface patches |
CSurfUnstructured | Defines an unstructured surface triangulation |
►CSystemMatrixAssembler | Interface for defining system matrix assemblers |
CAssemblyOptions | |
CSystemMatrixOrdering | Interface for defining classes that allows to reorder the system matrix |
CSystemSolver | Methods for building and solving large linear systems |
CSystemSparseMatrixAssembler | Defines an assembler for building the system matrix form a sparse matrix |
CTreeConstants | Global constants associated to a PABLO tree |
►CVertex | Defines the vertexs |
CLess | |
CVolCartesian | The VolCartesian defines a Cartesian patch |
►CVolOctree | The VolOctree defines a Octree patch |
COctantInfo | |
COctantInfoHasher | |
CVolOctreeMapper | The VolOctreeMapper is the class to map two meshes of class VolOctree |
CVolumeKernel | Interface for defining volume patches |
CVolumeMapper | The VolumeMapper is the class to map two meshes |
CVolumeSkdTree | The VolumeSkdTree implements a Bounding Volume Hierarchy tree for volume patches |
CVolUnstructured | Defines a dummy unstructured volume patch |
CVTK | A base class for VTK input output |
CVTKBaseContainer | An interface class to all containers that are batively supported by VTK |
CVTKBaseStreamer | The base class to be used to derive VTK streamers form |
CVTKField | VTKField handles geometry and data field information for the VTK format |
CVTKNativeStreamer | In VTKNativeStreamer all instances of classes derived from VTKBaseConatiner are stored. Right now only std::vector is supported |
CVTKRectilinearGrid | VTK input output for Rectilinear Meshes |
CVTKTypes | VTK data types handling |
►CVTKUnstructuredGrid | VTK input output for Unstructured Meshes |
CHomogeneousInfoStreamer | |
CVTKVectorContainer | Implementation of VTKBaseContainer in order to support natively std::vector in VTK |
CAMGSplitSystemSolver | The class AMGSplitSystemSolver is derived form SplitSystemSolver and it allows to solve the linear system using PETSc GAMG preconditioner. Only non-block matrices can be solved using GAMG |
CAMGSystemSolver | The class AMGSystemSolver is derived form SystemSolver and it allows to solve the linear system using PETSc GAMG preconditioner. Only non-block matrices can be solved using GAMG |
CCellHalfEdge | Defines cell half-edges |
CData | |
CFieldStreamer | |
CInfoBitpodPP | Database of essential information absorbed from the custom arguments |
Cmake_void | |
CTesselation | Allows to tessalete polygons and polyhedrons |
CVTKUnstructuredGridStreamer | Streamer for VTKUnstructuredGrid if the grid is made of homogeneous types |