No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAMGSplitSystemSolverThe class AMGSplitSystemSolver is derived form SplitSystemSolver and it allows to solve the linear system using PETSc GAMG preconditioner. Only non-block matrices can be solved using GAMG
 CAMGSystemSolverThe class AMGSystemSolver is derived form SystemSolver and it allows to solve the linear system using PETSc GAMG preconditioner. Only non-block matrices can be solved using GAMG
 CCellHalfEdgeDefines cell half-edges
 CInfoBitpodPPDatabase of essential information absorbed from the custom arguments
 CTesselationAllows to tessalete polygons and polyhedrons
 CVTKUnstructuredGridStreamerStreamer for VTKUnstructuredGrid if the grid is made of homogeneous types
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