Download stable releases

Current stable (mimmo 1.4.0) 30 March 2021

Download development releases

You can download a development relase of mimmo using Git. Git is a version control system that is used for software development and other version control tasks that allows users to download the very latest version of a project, without having to wait for someone to get around to packaging it.


You must have Git installed before you can use it. There are many different ways to acquire Git, depending on your operating system. For source and official binaries, check out Git official website. For alternative ways to install Git, use your favorite search engine to find instructions for your operating system.


The first step is to clone the mimmo repository. This will take a while.

In a terminal window, enter the following command: git clone This clones the entire mimmo repository into a subdirectory named mimmo. To install into a specific directory, add that to the command line (for more info refer to these docs). The default "branch" will be master, the cutting-edge, developer version of mimmo. Once the repository is cloned, you can easily switch to different branches or tags (see below), including those tracking stable versions of mimmo.

Download for development

If you have developer access, then instead of cloning anonymously with https you should clone with your ssh <USERNAME> so that you can submit changes for review: git clone https://<USERNAME>

Choosing mimmo version

Latest development version

The latest development version of mimmo is tracked in the 'master' branch. This is what is locally checked out by default when you first clone the mimmo repository. If you have switched to another branch but would like to switch back o using bleeding-edge mimmo, do: git checkout master

mimmo tags (stable version)

Specific stable versions of mimmo are tracked using 'tags'. These are analogous to the tarball releases. You can see the versions available with: git tag -l | grep mimmo | sort -V Using non GNU sort command, such as on Mac OS X, you have to rely on the good old separators: git tag -l | grep mimmo | sort -n -t. -k1 -k2 -k3

To use a specific tag: git checkout <tag name>

Keeping up to date

If you're using a particular branch or the development version ("master" branch) of mimmo, picking up the latest changes is relatively easy. Change into your mimmo clone directory and issue the git pull command: git pull All of the latest changes for the branch you are using will be applied.