Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
►Nmimmo | |
CAABBox | Axis Aligned Bounding Box calculator |
CApply | Apply is the class that applies the deformation resulting from a manipulation object to the geometry |
CApplyFilter | ApplyFilter is a class that applies a filter field to a deformation field defined on a geometry |
CBaseManipulation | BaseManipulation is the base class of any manipulation object of the library |
CBasicShape | Abstract Interface class for Elementary Shape Representation |
CBendGeometry | BendGeometry applies custom bending deformations along axis-directions of a target geometry |
CChain | Chain is the class used to manage the chain execution of multiple executable blocks (manipulation object) |
CClipGeometry | ClipGeometry is a class that clip a 3D geometry according to a plane intersecting it |
CControlDeformExtSurface | ControlDeformExtSurface is a class that check a deformation field, associated to a MimmoObject geometry, for eventual collisions/penetrations w.r.t. one or more external constraint surface meshes |
CControlDeformMaxDistance | ControlDeformMaxDistance is a class that check a deformation field associated to a MimmoObject surface geometry,once a maximum limit distance of deformation is fixed, w.r.t. the undeformed state |
CCreate3DCurve | Create a 3DCurve from a point cloud |
CCreatePointCloud | CreatePointCloud manages cloud point data in raw format to create a MimmoObject Point Cloud container |
CCreateSeedsOnSurface | Distribute a raw list of points on a target 3D surface |
CCreator | Template class to create an object Base * = new Derived creator class, where Derived is a generic derived class of Base. Creator can be any constructor of the derived class who takes as argument a const reference to a xml-data tree bitpit::Config::Section |
CCube | Elementary Shape Representation of a Cube |
CCylinder | Elementary Shape Representation of a Cylinder or portion of it |
CDataType | Class DataType defines the container and the type of data communicated by ports |
CExtractField | ExtractField is an abstract executable block class for extracting/restricting an input field defined on a mesh X on a target subportion of X |
CExtractLongField | ExtractLongField is specialized derived class of ExtractField to extract a scalar field of long |
CExtractScalarField | ExtractScalarField is specialized derived class of ExtractField to extract a scalar field of doubles |
CExtractStringField | ExtractStringField is specialized derived class of ExtractField to extract a scalar field of string |
CExtractVectorField | ExtractVectorField is specialized derived class of ExtractField to extract a vector field of array<double,3> |
►CFactory | Factory base template singleton for automatic factorization of executable classes |
CAbstractCreator | Abstract class embedded in Factory to link creators of type Base* <>(const bitpit::Config::Section & xml_root) |
CFFDLattice | Free Form Deformation of a 3D surface and point clouds, with structured lattice |
CFileDataInfo | FileDataInfo is a struct to stock data relative to names of external files |
CFVGenericSelection | Interface for applying selection methods simultaneously on bulk+boundary compound meshes |
CFVSelectionByBox | FVGenericSelection class specialized for selections with volume box primitive shapes |
CFVSelectionByCylinder | FVGenericSelection class specialized for selections with volume cylindrical primitive shapes |
CFVSelectionBySphere | FVGenericSelection class specialized for selections with volume spherical primitive shapes |
CGenericDispls | GenericDispls is the class to read from file an initial set of displacements as a generic vector field of floats or write it to file |
CGenericInput | GenericInput is the class that set the initialization of a generic input data |
CGenericInputMPVData | GenericInputMPVData is the class that set a generic input data as mimmo::MimmoPiercedVector |
CGenericOutput | GenericOutput is the class that write generic data in a file output |
CGenericOutputMPVData | GenericOutputMPVData is the class that write a generic data to file output as mimmo::MimmoPiercedVector |
CGenericSelection | Abstract Interface for selection classes |
CIBinaryStream | Mimmo custom derivation of bitpit IBinaryStream (see relative doc) |
CInfoPort | Collection of data functional to a port registration |
CIOCloudPoints | IOCloudPoints is the class to read from file a set of cloud 3D points w/ attached a scalar field of floats and/or a vector field of floats |
CIOConnections_MIMMO | IOConnections_MIMMO is a class to read/write mimmo pin connections from XML IO/parser defined in bitpit::Config |
CIOData | IOData is the base class of generic data stored as input or result in a Port |
CIODataT | IODataT is the templated class of generic data derived from IOData base class |
CIOWavefrontOBJ | Executable block handling io of 3D surface polygonal mesh in *.obj format |
CLattice | Structured 3D Cartesian Mesh |
CManipulateWFOBJData | Executable block manipulating optional data of WavefrontOBJ mesh |
CMeshChecker | MeshChecker is the class to evaluate the quality of a volume mesh |
CMimmoGeometry | MimmoGeometry is an executable block class wrapping(linking or internally instantiating) a Mimmo Object, handling geometry |
CMimmoObject | MimmoObject is the basic geometry container for mimmo library |
CMimmoPiercedVector | MimmoPiercedVector is the basic data container for mimmo library |
CMimmoPointCloud | Custom derivation of bitpit::SurfUnstructured class, for Point Cloud handling only |
CMimmoSharedPointer | MimmoSharedPointer is a custom implementation of shared pointer |
CMimmoSurfUnstructured | Custom derivation of bitpit::SurfUnstructured class |
CMimmoVolUnstructured | Custom derivation of bitpit::VolUnstructured class |
CModule | Module is an executable block class capable of computing the magnitude field of a vector field |
CMRBF | Radial Basis Function evaluation from clouds of control points |
CNastranInterface | NastranInterface is an interface class for I/O handling of BDF bulk nastran format *.nas |
COBBox | Oriented Bounding Box calculator |
COBinaryStream | Mimmo custom derivation of bitpit OBinaryStream (see relative doc) |
CPortIn | PortIn is the abstract PIN base class dedicated to carry data to a target class from other ones (input) |
CPortInT | PortInT is the PIN class to get input data arriving to an object from other objects |
CPortManager | Basic singleton for managing Ports declaration in mimmo |
CPortOut | PortOut is the abstract PIN base class dedicated to exchange data from a target class to other ones (output) |
CPortOutT | PortOutT is the PIN class to exchange output data from an object to others |
CPrimitive | Primitive object generation |
CProjPatchOnSurface | Executable block class capable of projecting a surface patch, 3DCurve or PointCloud on a 3D surface, both defined as MimmoObject |
CProjPrimitivesOnSurfaces | Class for projecting 1D/2D primitives on a target 3D surface mesh |
CProjSegmentOnSurface | Executable block class capable of projecting an elemental segment on a 3D surface mesh defined by a MimmoObject |
CRBFBox | Radial Basis Functions Bounding Box calculator |
CReconstructScalar | Reconstruct a scalar field from daughter meshes to mother mesh |
CReconstructVector | Reconstruct a vector field from daughter mesh to mother mesh |
CRefineGeometry | RefineGeometry is an executable block class capable of refine a surface geometry |
CRotationAxes | RotationAxes is the class that applies a rotation to a given reference system |
CRotationGeometry | RotationGeometry is the class that applies a rotation to a given geometry patch |
CScaleGeometry | ScaleGeometry is the class that applies a scaling to a given geometry patch in respect to the mean point of the vertices |
CSelectField | SelectField is an abstract executable block class capable of Selecting a field from a list of fields |
CSelectionByBox | Selection through volume box primitive |
CSelectionByBoxWithScalar | Selection through volume box primitive |
CSelectionByCylinder | Selection through cylinder primitive |
CSelectionByElementList | Selection through list of cells/vertices of the target mesh |
CSelectionByMapping | Selection mapping external surfaces/volume/3D curves on a target mesh of the same topology |
CSelectionByPID | Selection using target mesh Part Identifiers |
CSelectionBySphere | Selection through sphere primitive |
CSelectLongField | SelectLongField is specialized derived class of SelectField to Select a scalar field of long data |
CSelectScalarField | SelectScalarField is specialized derived class of SelectField to Select a scalar field |
CSelectStringField | SelectStringField is specialized derived class of SelectField to Select a scalar field of string data |
CSelectVectorField | SelectVectorField is specialized derived class of SelectField to Select a vector field |
CSpecularPoints | SpecularPoints is a class that mirrors a point cloud w.r.t. a reference plane, on a target surface geometry if any |
CSphere | Elementary Shape Representation of a Sphere or portion of it |
CStitchGeometry | StitchGeometry is an executable block class capable of stitch multiple MimmoObject geometries of the same topology |
CSurfaceTriangulator | Triangulate a target MimmoObject non-homogeneous and/or non-triangular surface mesh |
CTrackingPointer | Basic virtual class to derive a generic object whose pointer can return an identifying name through the method whichClass |
CTranslationGeometry | TranslationGeometry is the class that applies a translation to a given geometry patch |
CTranslationPoint | TranslationPoint is the class that applies the a translation to a point |
CTwistGeometry | TwistGeometry is the class that applies a twist to a given geometry patch |
CUStructMesh | Class for 3D uniform structured mesh |
CVTUAbsorbStreamer | Abstract class for custom reader/absorber of *.vtu mesh external files |
CVTUFlushStreamerASCII | Abstract class for custom ASCII writer/flusher of *.vtu mesh external files |
CVTUGridReader | Custom reader of unstructured grids from external files *.vtu |
CVTUGridStreamer | Custom mesh/data absorber for unstructured grids given by external files *.vtu |
CVTUGridWriterASCII | Custom writer of ASCII unstructured grids to external files *.vtu |
CWavefrontOBJData | Struct for storing cell data attached to Wavefront OBJ polygonal mesh |
CWedge | Elementary Shape Representation of a Prism with triangular basis |
►Nstd | |
Chash< mimmo::MimmoSharedPointer< O > > |
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