1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2  *
3  * mimmo
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 OPTIMAD engineering Srl
6  *
7  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  * License
9  * This file is part of mimmo.
10  *
11  * mimmo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL)
13  * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * mimmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
16  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
17  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
21  * along with mimmo. If not, see <>.
22  *
23 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
24 # ifndef __SKDTREEUTILS_HPP__
25 # define __SKDTREEUTILS_HPP__
27 # include <patch_skd_tree.hpp>
28 # include <surfunstructured.hpp>
30 namespace mimmo{
37 namespace skdTreeUtils{
39  double distance(const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long &id, double r);
40  double signedDistance(const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long &id, std::array<double,3> &normal, double r);
41  void distance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *id, double *distances, double r);
42  void distance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *id, double *distances, double *r);
43  void signedDistance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, double *distances, std::array<double,3> *normals, double r);
44  void signedDistance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, double *distances, std::array<double,3> *normals, double *r);
45  std::vector<long> selectByPatch(bitpit::PatchSkdTree *selection, bitpit::PatchSkdTree *target, double tol = 1.0e-04);
46  void extractTarget(bitpit::PatchSkdTree *target, const std::vector<const bitpit::SkdNode*> & leafSelection, std::vector<long> &extracted, double tol);
47  std::array<double,3> projectPoint(const std::array<double,3> *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, double r = std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
48  void projectPoint(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, std::array<double,3> *projected_points, long *ids, double r = std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
49  void projectPoint(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, std::array<double,3> *projected_points, long *ids, double* r);
50  long locatePointOnPatch(const std::array<double, 3> &point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree);
52  double computePseudoNormal(const std::array<double,3> &point, const bitpit::SurfUnstructured *surface_mesh, long id, std::array<double, 3> & pseudo_normal);
54  bool checkPointBelongsToCell(const std::array<double, 3> &point, const bitpit::SurfUnstructured *surface_mesh, long id);
57  void globalDistance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, double *distances, double r, bool shared = false);
58  void globalDistance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, double *distances, double* r, bool shared = false);
59  void signedGlobalDistance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, std::array<double,3> *normals, double *distances, double r, bool shared = false);
60  void signedGlobalDistance(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, std::array<double,3> *normals, double *distances, double* r, bool shared = false);
61  void projectPointGlobal(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, std::array<double,3> *projected_points, long *ids, int *ranks, double r = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), bool shared = false);
62  void projectPointGlobal(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, std::array<double,3> *projected_points, long *ids, int *ranks, double* r, bool shared = false);
63  void locatePointOnGlobalPatch(int nP, const std::array<double,3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, bool shared = false);
64  std::vector<long> selectByGlobalPatch(bitpit::PatchSkdTree *selection, bitpit::PatchSkdTree *target, double tol = 1.0e-04);
65  void extractTarget(bitpit::PatchSkdTree *target, const std::vector<bitpit::SkdBox> &leafSelectionBoxes, std::vector<long> &extracted, double tol);
66  long findSharedPointClosestGlobalCell(int nPoints, const std::array<double, 3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, double *distances, double r = std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
67  long findSharedPointClosestGlobalCell(int nPoints, const std::array<double, 3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, double *distances, double *r);
68 #endif
70  // Functions to allow the use with volume patches (currently not allowed in bitpit)
71  long findPointClosestCell(const std::array<double,3> &point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, bool interiorOnly, long *id, double *distance);
72  long findPointClosestCell(const std::array<double,3> &point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, double maxDistance, bool interiorOnly, long *id, double *distance);
74  long findPointClosestGlobalCell(int nPoints, const std::array<double, 3> *points, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long *ids, int *ranks, double *distances);
75 #endif
77 }; //end namespace skdTreeUtils
79 } //end namespace mimmo
81 #endif
long findPointClosestCell(const std::array< double, 3 > &point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, bool interiorOnly, long *id, double *distance)
double signedDistance(const std::array< double, 3 > *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long &id, std::array< double, 3 > &normal, double r)
double computePseudoNormal(const std::array< double, 3 > &point, const bitpit::SurfUnstructured *surface_mesh, long id, std::array< double, 3 > &pseudo_normal)
bool checkPointBelongsToCell(const std::array< double, 3 > &point, const bitpit::SurfUnstructured *surface_mesh, long cellId)
void extractTarget(bitpit::PatchSkdTree *target, const std::vector< const bitpit::SkdNode * > &leafSelection, std::vector< long > &extracted, double tol)
long locatePointOnPatch(const std::array< double, 3 > &point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree)
std::vector< long > selectByPatch(bitpit::PatchSkdTree *selection, bitpit::PatchSkdTree *target, double tol)
darray3E projectPoint(const std::array< double, 3 > *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *skdtree, double r)
double distance(const std::array< double, 3 > *point, const bitpit::PatchSkdTree *tree, long &id, double r)