No Matches

3D mesh adaptation using voloctree

3D mesh adaptation using voloctreeThis example creates a 3D octree mesh on the square domain [0,1]x[0,1]. On this domain two fields, a scalar and a vector, are defined.

Mesh is first refined and then coarsened, during each mesh adaption step fields are remapped on the updated mesh.

To run: ./voloctree_adaptation_example_00001.cpp

* bitpit
* Copyright (C) 2015-2021 OPTIMAD engineering Srl
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* License
* This file is part of bitpit.
* bitpit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL)
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* bitpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with bitpit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <array>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "bitpit_common.hpp"
#include "bitpit_voloctree.hpp"
using namespace bitpit;
// Auxiliary class to write fields in VTK format.
FieldStreamer(const PatchKernel &patch, const PiercedStorage<double, long> &scalarField, const PiercedStorage<std::array<double, 3>, long> &vectorField)
: m_patch(patch), m_scalarField(scalarField), m_vectorField(vectorField)
void flushData(std::fstream &stream, const std::string &name, VTKFormat format) override
if (name == "scalarField") {
for (const Cell &cell : m_patch.getVTKCellWriteRange()) {
long id = cell.getId();
flushValue(stream, format, m_scalarField.at(id));
} else if (name == "vectorField") {
for (const Cell &cell : m_patch.getVTKCellWriteRange()) {
long id = cell.getId();
flushValue(stream, format, m_vectorField.at(id));
const PatchKernel &m_patch;
const PiercedStorage<double, long> &m_scalarField;
const PiercedStorage<std::array<double, 3>, long> &m_vectorField;
// Main program
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Initialize MPI
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// Domain initialization
// Initializing mesh
log::cout() << " Initializing mesh..." << std::endl;
double length = 1.0;
std::array<double, 3> center = {{0.0,0.0,0.0}};
std::array<double, 3> minimum = center - length / 2.;
double dh = length / 16.;
VolOctree mesh(3, minimum, length, dh, MPI_COMM_NULL);
VolOctree mesh(3, minimum, length, dh);
// Initialize fields
log::cout() << "Initializing fields..." << std::endl;
for (const Cell &cell : mesh.getCells()) {
const long cellId = cell.getId();
std::array<double, 3> cellCentroid = mesh.evalCellCentroid(cellId);
double r = std::sqrt(cellCentroid[0] * cellCentroid[0] + cellCentroid[1] * cellCentroid[1] + cellCentroid[2] * cellCentroid[2]);
scalarField.set(cellId, r);
vectorField.set(cellId, {{cellCentroid[0] / r, cellCentroid[1] / r, cellCentroid[2] / r}});
// Initialize mesh output
FieldStreamer dataStreamer(mesh, scalarField, vectorField);
mesh.getVTK().addData<double>("scalarField", VTKFieldType::SCALAR, VTKLocation::CELL, &dataStreamer);
mesh.getVTK().addData<std::array<double, 3>>("vectorField", VTKFieldType::VECTOR, VTKLocation::CELL, &dataStreamer);
// Write mesh
// Mesh adaptation
bool trackAdaptation = true;
bool squeeshPatchStorage = false;
std::vector<adaption::Info> adaptionData;
// Refinement
log::cout() << "Performing refinement..." << std::endl;
int nRefinements = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < nRefinements; ++i) {
// Mark cells that need refinement
// All cells inside a circle centered in the origin and with a radius
// equal to 0.2 will be refined.
log::cout() << " Marking cells that need refinement..." << std::endl;
for (const Cell &cell : mesh.getCells()) {
long cellId = cell.getId();
std::array<double, 3> cellCentroid = mesh.evalCellCentroid(cellId);
double r = std::sqrt(cellCentroid[0] * cellCentroid[0] + cellCentroid[1] * cellCentroid[1] + cellCentroid[2] * cellCentroid[2]);
if (r < 0.2) {
// Update the mesh
// Adaption data structure contains the information needed for mapping
// the fields from the previous mesh to the updated mesh.
adaptionData = mesh.adaptionPrepare(trackAdaptation);
// Save values needed for remapping
// Data of cells no longer in the mesh are moved in a temporary
// container to be ued later for remapping.
PiercedVector<double, long> previousScalarField;
PiercedVector<std::array<double, 3>, long> previousVectorField;
for (const adaption::Info &adaptionInfo : adaptionData) {
// Consider only cell refinements
if (adaptionInfo.entity != adaption::Entity::ENTITY_CELL) {
} else if (adaptionInfo.type != adaption::TYPE_REFINEMENT) {
// Save parent data
for (long previousId : adaptionInfo.previous) {
previousScalarField.insert(previousId, std::move(scalarField.at(previousId)));
previousVectorField.insert(previousId, std::move(vectorField.at(previousId)));
adaptionData = mesh.adaptionAlter(trackAdaptation, squeeshPatchStorage);
// Map the fields on newly created cells
// On refinement one parent cell has been divided in many children
// cells. At every children it will be assigned the value of their
// parent.
for (const adaption::Info &adaptionInfo : adaptionData) {
// Consider only cell refinements
if (adaptionInfo.entity != adaption::Entity::ENTITY_CELL) {
} else if (adaptionInfo.type != adaption::TYPE_REFINEMENT) {
// Assign data to children
long parentId = adaptionInfo.previous.front();
for (long currentId : adaptionInfo.current) {
scalarField.set(currentId, previousScalarField.at(parentId));
vectorField.set(currentId, previousVectorField.at(parentId));
// Write mesh
// Coarsening
int nofCoarsening = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < nofCoarsening; ++i) {
// Mark cells that need coarsening
// All cells inside a circle centered in the origin and with a radius
// equal to 0.15 will be coarsened.
for (const Cell &cell : mesh.getCells()) {
long cellId = cell.getId();
std::array<double, 3> cellCentroid = mesh.evalCellCentroid(cellId);
double r = std::sqrt(cellCentroid[0] * cellCentroid[0] + cellCentroid[1] * cellCentroid[1] + cellCentroid[2] * cellCentroid[2]);
if (r < 0.15) {
adaptionData = mesh.adaptionPrepare(trackAdaptation);
// Save values needed for remapping
// Data of cells no longer in the mesh are moved in a temporary
// container to be ued later for remapping.
PiercedVector<double, long> previousScalarField;
PiercedVector<std::array<double, 3>, long> previousVectorField;
for (const adaption::Info &adaptionInfo : adaptionData) {
// Consider only cell coarsenings
if (adaptionInfo.entity != adaption::Entity::ENTITY_CELL) {
} else if (adaptionInfo.type != adaption::TYPE_COARSENING) {
// Save parent data
for (long previousId : adaptionInfo.previous) {
previousScalarField.insert(previousId, std::move(scalarField.at(previousId)));
previousVectorField.insert(previousId, std::move(vectorField.at(previousId)));
// Update the mesh
// Adaption data structure contains the information needed for mapping
// the fields from the previous mesh to the updated mesh.
adaptionData = mesh.adaptionAlter(trackAdaptation, squeeshPatchStorage);
// Map the fields on newly created cells
// On coarsening many parent cell have been merged together to create
// one child cell. The child fields will be set equal to the average
// of the parent fields.
for (const adaption::Info &adaptionInfo : adaptionData) {
// Consider only cell coarsening
if (adaptionInfo.entity != adaption::Entity::ENTITY_CELL) {
} else if (adaptionInfo.type != adaption::TYPE_COARSENING) {
// Evaluate parent average
int nParents = adaptionInfo.previous.size();
double scalarParentAverage = 0.;
std::array<double, 3> vectorParentAverage = {{0., 0., 0.}};
for (long parentId : adaptionInfo.previous) {
scalarParentAverage += previousScalarField.at(parentId);
vectorParentAverage += previousVectorField.at(parentId);
scalarParentAverage /= nParents;
vectorParentAverage /= (double) nParents;
// Assign data to the child
long childId = adaptionInfo.current.front();
scalarField.set(childId, scalarParentAverage);
vectorField.set(childId, vectorParentAverage);
// Write mesh
// Finalize MPI
void flushData(std::fstream &stream, const std::string &name, VTKFormat format) override
The Cell class defines the cells.
Definition cell.hpp:42
The PatchKernel class provides an interface for defining patches.
const CellConstRange getVTKCellWriteRange() const
void setDynamicKernel(const PiercedKernel< id_t > *kernel, PiercedSyncMaster::SyncMode syncMode)
Metafunction for generating a pierced storage.
void set(id_t id, const value_t &value)
__PS_REFERENCE__ at(id_t id, std::size_t k=0)
__PVS_REFERENCE__ at(id_t id)
Metafunction for generating a pierced vector.
iterator insert(id_t id, const value_t &value)
The base class to be used to derive VTK streamers form.
Definition VTK.hpp:209
void flushValue(std::fstream &, VTKFormat, const T &value) const
The VolOctree defines a Octree patch.
Definition voloctree.hpp:37
Definition VTK.hpp:92
#define BITPIT_UNUSED(variable)
Definition compiler.hpp:63
The Info struct defines the information associated to an adaption.
Definition adaption.hpp:63
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