No Matches
Namespaces | Classes
Collaboration diagram for Kernel:


namespace  bitpit::adaption
 The namespace 'adaption' contains the routines and the data structures for handling patch adaption.
namespace  bitpit::patch
 The namespace 'patch' contains routines for interacting with the patch manager.


class  bitpit::CellFlatMapping
 The CellFlatMapping class allows to generate a cell mapping between an id-base numeration to a continuous-index numeration. More...
class  bitpit::FlatMapping
 The FlatMapping class allows to generate a mapping between an id-base numeration to a continuous-index numeration. More...
class  bitpit::PatchInfo
 The PatchInfo class provides an interface for defining patch info. More...
class  bitpit::PatchKernel
 The PatchKernel class provides an interface for defining patches. More...
class  bitpit::PatchManager
 The PatchManager oversee the handling of the patches. More...
class  bitpit::PatchNumberingInfo
 Numbering information about the patch. More...

Detailed Description

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