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Collaboration diagram for LevelSet:


 LevelSet Enumerations


namespace  bitpit::levelSetDefaults
 namespace containing default values


interface  bitpit::ElementCacheCollection
 The class ElementCacheCollection allows to store a collection of caches for the elements of a mesh. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSet
 Level Set driver class. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetBooleanBaseObject< SourceLevelSetObject >
 Base class which deals with boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetBooleanObject< SourceLevelSetObject >
 Class which deals with boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetBooleanResult< SourceLevelSetObject >
 Allow to evaluate the result of a boolean operation between two LevelSetObjects. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetCache< key_t >
 The class LevelSetCache is the base class for defining caches. More...
interface  bitpit::LevelSetCacheCollection< key_t >
 The class LevelSetCacheCollection allows to store a collection of caches. More...
interface  bitpit::LevelSetCacheCollection< key_t >::Item
 The class LevelSetCacheCollection::Item defines the items stored in a cache collection. Each item stores the cache and the factory that will be used to create the cache. More...
interface  bitpit::LevelSetCachedKernel
 Base class for defining kernels that need to cache data. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetCacheFactory< key_t >
 The class LevelSetCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetCartesianKernel
 Implements LevelSetKernel for cartesian meshes. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetComplementBaseObject< SourceLevelSetObject >
 Base class that allows to evaluate the complement of a LevelSetObjects. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetComplementObject< SourceLevelSetObject >
 Class that allows to evaluate the complement of a LevelSetObjects. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetContainerBaseCache< key_t, container_t, value_t, reference_t, const_reference_t >
 The class LevelSetContainerBaseCache is the base class for defining caches that stores the values inside a container owned by them. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetContainerBaseCacheFactory< key_t, container_t >
 The class LevelSetContainerBaseCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetContainerCache< key_t, container_t >
 The class LevelSetContainerCache is the class for defining caches that stores the values inside a container owned by them. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetContainerCacheFactory< key_t, container_t >
 The class LevelSetContainerCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories. More...
struct  bitpit::LevelSetInfo
 A public container which includes all information provided by LevelSet. More...
interface  bitpit::LevelSetKernel
 Mesh specific implementation to calculate the levelset function. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetMaskObject
 Implements the levelset around a set of cells or interfaces of the kernel. More...
interface  bitpit::LevelSetObject
 Interface class for all objects with respect to whom the levelset function may be computed. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetOctreeKernel
 Implements LevelSetKernel for octree meshes. More...
interface  bitpit::LevelSetProxyObject< SourceLevelSetObject, BaseLevelSetObject >
 Interface class for all objects, which depend on other LevelSetObjects. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetSegmentationBaseObject
 Implements visitor pattern fo segmentated geometries. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetSegmentationObject
 Implements visitor pattern fo segmentated geometries. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetSegmentationSurfaceInfo
 Segmentation kernel. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetUnstructuredKernel
 Implements LevelSetKernel for unstructured meshes. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetValueCache< key_t, value_t >
 The class LevelSetCache is the base class for defining caches that store values. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetValueCacheEntry< value_t >
 The class LevelSetValueCacheEntry allows to get read-only access to a value stored in the cache. More...
class  bitpit::LevelSetValueCacheFactory< key_t, value_t >
 The class LevelSetValueCacheFactory provides basic functionalities for cache factories. More...

Detailed Description

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