This is the complete list of members for bitpit::SystemSolver, including all inherited members.
Assembler typedef (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
assembly(const SparseMatrix &matrix) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
assembly(const SparseMatrix &matrix, const SystemMatrixOrdering &reordering) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
assembly(const Assembler &assembler) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
assembly(const Assembler &assembler, const SystemMatrixOrdering &reordering) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
assembly(const typename DerivedSystemSolver::Assembler &assembler, const SystemMatrixOrdering &reordering) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
clear() | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
clearReordering() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
clearWorkspace() | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
createKSP() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
createMatrix(int rowBlockSize, int colBlockSize, Mat *matrix) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
createMatrix(int rowBlockSize, int colBlockSize, int nNestRows, int nNestCols, Mat *subMatrices, Mat *matrix) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
createVector(int blockSize, Vec *vector) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
createVector(int blockSize, int nestSize, Vec *subVectors, Vec *vector) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
destroyKSP() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
destroyKSPOptions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
destroyKSPStatus() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
destroyMatrix(Mat *matrix) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
destroyVector(Vec *vector) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
dumpInfo(std::ostream &stream) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
dumpMatrix(Mat matrix, const std::string &directory, const std::string &name) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
dumpSystem(const std::string &header, const std::string &directory, const std::string &prefix="") const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
dumpVector(Vec vector, const std::string &directory, const std::string &name) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
dumpVector(Vec vector, VectorSide side, const std::string &directory, const std::string &name) const (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
enableForceConsistency(bool enable) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
exportMatrix(const std::string &filePath, FileFormat exportFormat=FILE_BINARY) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
exportMatrix(Mat matrix, const std::string &filePath, FileFormat fileFormat) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
exportRHS(const std::string &filePath, FileFormat exportFormat=FILE_BINARY) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
exportSolution(const std::string &filePath, FileFormat exportFormat=FILE_BINARY) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
exportVector(Vec vector, const std::string &filePath, FileFormat fileFormat) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
exportVector(Vec vector, std::vector< double > *data) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
FILE_ASCII enum value (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
FILE_BINARY enum value (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
FileFormat enum name (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
fillKSPStatus() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
fillKSPStatus(KSP ksp, KSPStatus *status) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
fillMatrix(Mat matrix, const std::string &filePath) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
fillVector(Vec vector, const std::string &filePath) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
fillVector(Vec vector, const std::vector< double > &data) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
finalizeKSP() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
getBlockSize() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
getColCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getColElementCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getColGlobalCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getColGlobalElementCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getCommunicator() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
getDataFilePath(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
getDumpVersion() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
getFilePath(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
getInfoFilePath(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
getKSPOptions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getKSPOptions() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getKSPStatus() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRHSRawPtr() | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRHSRawPtr() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRHSRawReadPtr() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRowCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRowElementCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRowGlobalCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getRowGlobalElementCount() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getSolutionRawPtr() | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getSolutionRawPtr() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getSolutionRawReadPtr() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
getTranspose() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
importMatrix(const std::string &filePath) | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
importRHS(const std::string &filePath) | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
importSolution(const std::string &filePath) | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
initializeKSPOptions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
initializeKSPStatus() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
isAssembled() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
isForceConsistencyEnabled() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
isPartitioned() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
isSetUp() const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
m_A (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_colReordering (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_convergenceMonitorEnabled (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_flatten (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_KSP (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_KSPDirty (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_KSPOptions (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_KSPStatus (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_rhs (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_rowReordering (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_solution (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
m_transpose (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
matrixAssembly(const Assembler &assembler) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
matrixDestroy() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
matrixDump(std::ostream &systemStream, const std::string &directory, const std::string &prefix) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
matrixFill(const std::string &filePath) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
matrixRestore(std::istream &systemStream, const std::string &directory, const std::string &prefix, bool redistribute) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
matrixUpdate(long nRows, const long *rows, const Assembler &assembler) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
postKrylovSetupActions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
postKSPSolveActions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
postPreconditionerSetupActions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
preKrylovSetupActions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
preKSPSolveActions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
prepareKSP() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
prePreconditionerSetupActions() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
reorderVector(Vec vector, IS permutations, bool invert) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
resetKSPOptions(KSPOptions *options) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
resetKSPStatus() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
resetKSPStatus(KSPStatus *status) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
restoreInfo(std::istream &stream) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
restoreMatrix(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name, bool redistribute, Mat *matrix) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
restoreRHSRawPtr(double *raw_rhs) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
restoreRHSRawReadPtr(const double *raw_rhs) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
restoreSolutionRawPtr(double *raw_solution) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
restoreSolutionRawReadPtr(const double *raw_solution) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
restoreSystem(MPI_Comm communicator, bool redistribute, const std::string &directory, const std::string &prefix="") | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
restoreVector(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name, Mat matrix, VectorSide side, Vec *vector) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
restoreVector(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name, bool redistribute, Vec *vector) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
restoreVector(const std::string &directory, const std::string &name, std::size_t localSize, std::size_t globalSize, Vec *vector) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
setNullSpace() | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |
setReordering(long nRows, long nCols, const SystemMatrixOrdering &reordering) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
setTranspose(bool transpose) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
setUp() | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
setupKrylov() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
setupKrylov(KSP ksp, const KSPOptions &options) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
setupPreconditioner() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
setupPreconditioner(PC pc, const KSPOptions &options) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
solve() | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
solve(const std::vector< double > &rhs, std::vector< double > *solution) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
solveKSP() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
SystemSolver(bool debug=false) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
SystemSolver(bool transpose, bool debug) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
SystemSolver(bool flatten, bool transpose, bool debug) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
SystemSolver(const std::string &prefix, bool debug=false) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
SystemSolver(const std::string &prefix, bool transpose, bool debug) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
SystemSolver(const std::string &prefix, bool flatten, bool transpose, bool debug) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
unsetNullSpace() | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
update(const SparseMatrix &elements) (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
update(long nRows, const long *rows, const SparseMatrix &elements) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
update(const Assembler &assembler) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
update(long nRows, const long *rows, const Assembler &assembler) | bitpit::SystemSolver | |
update(long nRows, const long *rows, const typename DerivedSystemSolver::Assembler &assembler) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
VECTOR_SIDE_LEFT enum value (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
VECTOR_SIDE_RIGHT enum value (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
vectorsCreate() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
vectorsDestroy() | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
vectorsDump(std::ostream &systemStream, const std::string &directory, const std::string &prefix) const | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
vectorsFill(const std::vector< double > &rhs, const std::vector< double > &solution) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
vectorsFill(const std::string &rhsFilePath, const std::string &solutionFilePath) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
VectorSide enum name (defined in bitpit::SystemSolver) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protected |
vectorsReorder(bool invert) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
vectorsRestore(std::istream &systemStream, const std::string &directory, const std::string &prefix) | bitpit::SystemSolver | protectedvirtual |
~SystemSolver() | bitpit::SystemSolver | virtual |