PABLO  0.1
PArallel Balanced Linear Octree
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PABLO installation

PABLO runs on Linux and Mac OSX platforms.


PABLO depends on

Confguring PABLO

PABLO uses cmake as building tool. In the PABLO's root folder make a building folder, e.g. build ```bash PABLO$ mkdir build `` Enter thebuildfolder ``bash PABLO$ cd build ``` In order to configure it with default options, run: ```bash PABLO/build$ cmake ../ `` By this way, PABLO is configured for production (using compiler optimization flags,-O3) and the test sources inPABLO/test/will be compiled and successively available atPABLO/build/test/; moreover, the default installation folder is/usr/local/`.

Passing some variable to cmake you can customize a bit your configuration.

The DEBUG variable can be used to set the compiler flags -ggdb -O0 -fmessage-length=0, then you can call ```bash PABLO/build$ cmake -DDEBUG=1 ../ `` to obtain a debug version of PABLO.DEBUG` default value is 0.

The WITHOUT_MPI variable can be used to compile the serial implementation of PABLO and to avoid the dependency on MPI libraries, then you can set ```bash PABLO/build$ cmake -DWITHOUT_MPI=1 ../ `` to obtain a serial version of PABLO.WITHOUT_MPI` default value is 0.

The COMPILE_TESTS variable can be use to avoid tests compilation, then ```bash PABLO/build$ cmake -DCOMPILE_TESTS=0 ../ `` and the building procedure will not compile the test sources.COMPILE_TESTS` default value is 1.

Finally, you can choose the installation folder setting the cmake variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ```bash PABLO/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/installation/folder/ ../ ``` Remember that if you choose the default installation path or another path without write permission you will need administration privileges to install PABLO in.

Building and Installing

Once cmake has configured PABLO's building just do ```bash PABLO/build$ make ``` to build and ```bash PABLO/build$ make install ``` to install.

If you have just built PABLO, its headers will be available at PABLO/include/ folder and a static library libPABLO.a will be available at PABLO/build/lib/ folder.

If you have also installed PABLO, its headers will be available at /my/installation/folder/PABLO/include/ folder and a static library libPABLO.a will be available at /my/installation/folder/lib/ folder.

Building Documentation

In order to build properly the documentation Doxygen (>=1.8.6) and Graphviz (>=2.20.2) are needed. In 'doxy' folder run: ```bash PABLO/doxy$ doxygen PABLODoxyfile.txt ``` You can now browse the html documentation with your favorite browser by opening 'html/index.html'.


For any problem, please join the PABLO Users Google Group and post your requests.