PABLO  0.1
PArallel Balanced Linear Octree
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1 # PABLO installation
3 PABLO runs on Linux and Mac OSX platforms.
5 ## Dependencies
6 PABLO depends on
7 * c++ compiler supporting `-std=c++11`. It has been tested with g++ >= 4.7.3 and clang++ >=3.5
8 * cmake >= 2.8
9 * (optionally) MPI implementation. It has been tested with OpenMPI >= 1.6.5.
11 ## Confguring PABLO
12 PABLO uses cmake as building tool.
13 In the PABLO's root folder make a building folder, e.g. build
14 ```bash
15  PABLO$ mkdir build
16 ```
17 Enter the `build` folder
18 ```bash
19  PABLO$ cd build
20 ```
21  In order to configure it with default options, run:
22 ```bash
23  PABLO/build$ cmake ../
24 ```
25  By this way, PABLO is configured for production (using compiler optimization flags, `-O3`) and the test sources in `PABLO/test/` will be compiled and successively available at `PABLO/build/test/`; moreover, the default installation folder is `/usr/local/`.
27 Passing some variable to cmake you can customize a bit your configuration.
29 The `DEBUG` variable can be used to set the compiler flags `-ggdb -O0 -fmessage-length=0`, then you can call
30 ```bash
31  PABLO/build$ cmake -DDEBUG=1 ../
32 ```
33 to obtain a debug version of PABLO. `DEBUG` default value is 0.
35 The `WITHOUT_MPI` variable can be used to compile the serial implementation of PABLO and to avoid the dependency on MPI libraries, then you can set
36 ```bash
37  PABLO/build$ cmake -DWITHOUT_MPI=1 ../
38 ```
39 to obtain a serial version of PABLO. `WITHOUT_MPI` default value is 0.
41 The `COMPILE_TESTS` variable can be use to avoid tests compilation, then
42 ```bash
43  PABLO/build$ cmake -DCOMPILE_TESTS=0 ../
44 ```
45 and the building procedure will not compile the test sources. `COMPILE_TESTS` default value is 1.
47 Finally, you can choose the installation folder setting the cmake variable `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`
48 ```bash
49  PABLO/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/installation/folder/ ../
50 ```
51 Remember that if you choose the default installation path or another path without write permission you will need administration privileges to install PABLO in.
53 ## Building and Installing
54 Once cmake has configured PABLO's building just do
55 ```bash
56  PABLO/build$ make
57 ```
58 to build and
59 ```bash
60  PABLO/build$ make install
61 ```
62 to install.
64 If you have just built PABLO, its headers will be available at `PABLO/include/` folder and a static library `libPABLO.a` will be available at `PABLO/build/lib/` folder.
66 If you have also installed PABLO, its headers will be available at `/my/installation/folder/PABLO/include/` folder and a static library `libPABLO.a` will be available at `/my/installation/folder/lib/` folder.
68 ## Building Documentation
69 In order to build properly the documentation Doxygen (>=1.8.6) and Graphviz (>=2.20.2) are needed.
70 In 'doxy' folder run:
71 ```bash
72  PABLO/doxy$ doxygen PABLODoxyfile.txt
73 ```
74 You can now browse the html documentation with your favorite browser by opening 'html/index.html'.
76 ## Help
77 For any problem, please join the <a href="!forum/pablo-users" target="pablousers">PABLO Users Google Group</a> and post your requests.